Monday, March 17, 2025

Morning by Morning, March 17, 2025 - “This Far and No More in Jesus’ Name!”


Morning by Morning, March 17, 2025 - “This Far and No More in Jesus’ Name!”


Good morning, Lord Jesus. I look to You and call upon You, as I begin my day centered in You, with my heart and mind and all my life hidden and secure in You (Colossians 3:1-4). ...


“This far you may come, but no farther” (Job 38:11).


All our community in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County, Texas are praying against the destruction from an outbreak of brushfire burning across our county. Many friends and families have been evacuated along with their livestock. So far, nearly 10,000 acres have been consumed, with ranch houses and pastures.


Yet, by the mercy and grace of God, no lives have been lost. And though the fires continue to burn, the outer boundaries appear to be contained to hold back further advancement. We pray for complete containment and ultimately extinguishment.


As You spoke to the oceans to set their boundaries, Lord speak to this fire to set its boundary: “This far you may come, but no farther.”


That is our prayer in agreement with Your Word, Lord. “This far and no more, in Jesus’ name!”


We pray for all who are affected, that You would comfort them and steady them, that You would move on behalf of them to bring restoration and peace. We thank You for such a display across our community of loving kindness and neighborly goodness, as friends and neighbors, churches throughout our community, relentless firefighters and first responders all join together to help and to pray.


That’s one way You have already redeemed what many have endured—the unity of Spirit and the spirit of community that fills our hearts with thanksgiving to You for all the neighborly love expressed.


Lord, continue to still the winds and quench the flames. And we pray You continue to declare and declare through the words and prayers of Your people, “This far and no more!” In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today. In the love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may you join in prayer and in your declarations in agreement with the Word of God, as He sets the boundaries of containment against any forces of destruction in your life and community, in Jesus'name. God bless you, my friend! And you have a great day!

Click Here to Listen to Today's Prayer:

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

502 North Milam Street

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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“Setting hearts free to be all they were created to be

—Free to Be Like Jesus—

secure in their identity, growing in maturity, fulfilling their destiny"

Please Keep us in Prayer for These

Messiah Ministries Events

Every Tuesday Night

Teaching my 9 Month Equipping Course Free to Be Like Jesus! at Bridge Church Fredericksburg, Texas. 6:00PM Central Time

Zoom link available by request to my email.

Based on My Book, Free to Be Like Jesus:

March 19-24

Rocio and I Travel for Ministry in Morelia, Mexico and Toluca, Mexico

April 2

New Wine Worship at our ministry home base in Fredericksburg, Texas. 1st Wednesday of Every Month at 7pm

April 6

Preaching in Pakistan through the Internet at All Nations Church Sunday Service in Karachi, Pakistan.

April 13

Preaching the Sunday Services at Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, Texas

April 20, 2025

Preaching Easter Sunrise Service at The Empty Cross, The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville, Texas

April 25-26, 2025 - Date being postponed

Preaching Revival at the Barn at Yee Haw Ranch Outfitters, Fredericksburg, Texas

April 30-May 18

Return Travel to Pakistan for Ministry in Pattoki, Karachi, and Lahore, Pakistan! Please cover us in prayer for another Outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

June 2 Speaking with the Mason, Texas Intercessory Prayer Group on the Day of Pentecost leading in a Prayer Experience of "Praying the Tabernacle - Embracing the Intimacy of our Dwelling Place in God"

June 16-29

Teaching at Selah Men's Ministry Retreat in Cloudcroft, New Mexico

July 11-13

Preaching at Aldersgate Renewal Ministries Regional Meeting at Grafton Methodist Church, St. Paris, Ohio

July 28-August 10

Making plans of returning to Preach Crusades and minister in Kenol, Kenya and Nyrie, Kenya with Pastor Jeff Bealmear and Team

Wednesday Mornings

Leading Online Restoration Ministry Sessions for Online Connect Groups of MorningStar Ministries from around the world by appointment.


Personal Ministry Appointments

Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment.

 Sessions are without set cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Free On-line Video Series: Setting Hearts Free! 

My Core Teaching and Ministry