Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Passionate Prayer for Revival Fire! - June 1, 2022


Morning by Morning, June 1 - Passionate Prayer for Revival Fire!
Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are the “King of kings and Lord of lords!” (Revelation 19:16) And I bow before You in worship and prayer at the beginning of my day as King of my heart and Lord of my life. ...
Yesterday morning, You brought to mind a burning passion for revival You put in my spirit during my ministry trip through Wales twelve years ago, using a dream of revival about Evan Roberts that Dutch Sheets was sharing. I looked back and shared one of my devotionals from that time yesterday morning. Today, I’m remembering and sharing the one I wrote and sent out the morning I was invited to share my personal testimony in the little Sunday School Room next to Moriah Chapel, where Evan Roberts and his follow intercessors prayed for revival in Wales. Just two days later, twelve years ago, I myself would be preaching a revival meeting from the pulpit at Moriah Chapel:
Morning by Morning, October 25, 2010 - “O Lord, Bend Me!”
Good morning, Lord Jesus. As I open up my heart, You open up Your heavens. As my praises rise up, let Your glory come down. …
“Will You not revive us again, so that You people may rejoice in You? Show us Your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us Your salvation” (Psalm 85:6-7).
Evan Roberts was twenty-six years old when You used him and his prayers to ignite the great Welsh Revival of 1904 that set the world ablaze in one of the greatest world-wide awakenings since the day of Pentecost. He was just a simple young man--working in the coal mines, then as a blacksmith, then just beginning his studies for ministry--but he was passionate in His pursuit of the Presence of God.
He had been praying fervently for the Fire of God to fall in his heart, his church, and his nation, then to spread like wildfire to the nations. The cry of his heart was, “Bend us, O God. Bend me!”
At the Monday weekly prayer meeting in the little Methodist church in the village of Loughor, Wales called Moriah Chapel, You bent him over the pew, trembling in passionate prayer when Your Fire fell and Your Glory came down! They say the revival fire that burned across the land and quickly spread to the nations of the earth was fueled by testimonies and prayer more than great preaching and teaching. It was a move of the Spirit in hearts more than minds, awakening the souls of men and women with a hunger and thirst for righteousness and Your Presence!
I’m beyond thrilled to be going to that same Monday prayer meeting at Moriah Chapel with our ministry team today, with an invitation to share my testimony of Your salvation and Presence in my life, and to pray for Your great revival to burn again in our hearts and this land.
Evan Roberts lived with his family in a simple home in Loughor, Wales. And in the bedroom he shared with his brother Dan upstairs, he cried out in prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5). From an early age he had Christ in his life and Your Holy Spirit in his heart, but he wanted more. He burned with a passion for more of Your love, more of Your power, more of Your Presence in his life to fulfill his destiny in Christ for the glory of Your name.
One night, Evan records in his journals that You visited him in his room for four hours and spoke to him as one speaks to a friend, coming to him every night for four months before the great revival began. And I’m beyond thrilled to be sleeping in that same room and even writing this morning prayer from this holy place where the glory of Your Presence came down!
O Lord, bend us! O Lord, bend me! Baptize me in Your Holy Spirit today and every day! Set my heart ablaze with a passion for You and a hunger for Your Presence! Let revival come and let it begin in me every day! Let my heart and soul be awakened into newness of life, morning by morning and day by day, with all who are hunger and thirst for more of You! Let Your love and Your power pour through us everywhere You send us! Let Your revival fires burn again in the hearts of Your people in our generation throughout every tongue and tribe and nation of the earth! Let the earth again “be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea!” (Habakkuk 2:14)
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. Be encouraged today!
In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
(Here is a note I added at the end of my devotional that day, asking for prayer from those following me on my devotional:)
Friends, thank you for praying for us on our Encounter Wales! ministry trip. We've had incredible times of ministry over the weekend in Oxford and Wells, England, then returning to Wales last night for our time here in Loughor in the Glower region of south Wales, where the flames of the Welsh Revival ignited at Moriah Chapel. I'll be sharing my testimony at the prayer meeting today and preaching a Healing Revival Meeting at Moriah Chapel Wednesday night that the area worship leaders have arranged. God's Spirit continues to move in power as Heather Butler sings in the Spirit prophetically over the people and our team ministers the healing love of God everywhere He sends us on our journey. Thank you for joining in the journey of this exciting adventure through Wales and England this month. I pray for revival and awakening in your heart and land too! The Lord has also been doing wonderful things in my personal life as well on this trip, so I'm very grateful for all those who been praying for me personally. Thank you! God bless you! Messiah Ministries -- "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God"

Yes, Lord! Do it again! Bend us in prayer and send us in revival! Let the Fire fall; let Your Glory come down! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may the Fire of God fall on you and burn inside of you with revival Fire to spread like wildfire everywhere the Lord sends you, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

Messiah Ministries Mailing Address:
412 S. Adams Street #148
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Please share this word to encourage a friend!
Anyone can sign up for free to receive them at:
Moriah Chapel in Loughor, Wales
Birthplace of the Great Welsh Revival
Where I was blessed to pray and preach a revival meeting 12 years ago
Please Pray for a Great Outbreak of Revival this Weekend for Our Revival Meetings in Fredericksburg, Texas
Revival at the Barn!
Please Keep us in Prayer for These
Messiah Ministries Events

June 3-4
Revival at the Barn! All are welcome! Please Spread the Word!
Hosted by a family-owned, local Christian business at the Barn behind Yee Haw Ranch on Hwy 290 East of Fredericksburg, Texas
6:00 PM Friday Night and Saturday Night
Worship. Word. Ministry. Praying to Experience Revival!
Ready for Baptisms in the Horse Trough! (a new one!)

June 5
First Gathering for our School of Ministry Series in Lampasas, Texas for Inner Healing & Deliverance Prayer Ministry hosted by the Citywide ministerial association in Lampasas. Level 1 and Level 2 Training and Equipping Weekends to follow.
Let me know if you would like to be a part:

June 9-11
Spiritual Retreat for my Bridge Church Freedom Equipping Class at Mo Ranch. Current Students and Alumni Welcome!

July 7-8
Leading a Spiritual Retreat with South Texas Aglow Leadership at South Padre Island.

July 23-31
Keynote Speaker at the Nova Scotia Camp Meeting.
I'm excited to be the Evangelist and Keynote Speaker at the annual Camp Meeting at Fundy Bay Camp in Nova Scotia, Canada. During the morning sessions, we will have Prophetic Roundtables led by fellow MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries member Sylvain Gauthier.

Fundy Bay Camp Meeting
1224 Baxter’s Harbour Road
Kings County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Contact: Wade Marshall

August 18-29
Our Next Ministry Trip to Central Mexico with Morelia House of Prayer and Rey de Reyes Iglesia!

September 17
Fundraiser Celebration for Messiah Ministries
Hosted at Rafter E Ranch outside Fredericksburg, Texas

Watch our Weekly Episodes of Healing from the Inside Out. Aired on Thursdays at 5 PM CST / 3 PM PST on TLN West

And also on our Messiah Ministries YouTube Channel:
More Episodes being added! Please share it with anyone who needs to encounter the Healing Love of God!

Freedom Equipping Class every week as part of the discipleship plan at Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas
Tuesday Afternoons (1:30 - 3:30)
Tuesday Nights (6:00 - 8:00)

Based on the principles of my book
Free to Be Like Jesus! — Transforming Power of Inner Healing & Deliverance

Monday Nights
Rocio and I lead an Online Connect Group for MorningStar Ministries

Wednesday Mornings
Joining with MorningStar Ministries to Lead Online Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry Sessions for the Online Connect Groups from around the world.

Personal Ministry Appointments
Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session: 

Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Sign up Here for this Free Video Series for Inner Healing and Spiritual Freedom in Christ:

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

“Mantle of Revival” - May 31, 2022

Morning by Morning, May 31 - “Mantle of Revival”
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You and embrace You, here in my heart and every moment of my day – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ...
I woke up extra early this morning and couldn’t sleep, so I read an email from Dutch Sheets with his morning devotional today from “Give Him Fifteen, An Appeal to Heaven.” He was speaking of a dream about revival from his friend and prophetic intercessor, Gina Gholston. As she spoke of Evan Roberts and Welsh Revival and Moriah Chapel and a “mantle of revival” and You wanting to impart that mantle for travailing prayer and revival to us in our generation, but even growing greater, my spirit starting jumping up and down inside of me like crazy! No time to sleep! Time to get up and pray! ...
You’re stirring up in my memory my ministry trip to Wales about twelve years ago in October of 2010, hosted by with my great friend and prophetic intercessor, Heather Butler, who lives at Holyhead, just across the channel from Ireland in Anglesey, Wales. I preached and prayed, while Heather sang prophetic songs over the people, over the churches, and over the land everywhere we went. One of the most exciting parts of that ministry trip for me was our three glorious days in the home town of Evan Roberts, in Loughor, Wales, where I was so honored and blessed to literally sleep in his bedroom (now a B & B!), pray in the Moriah Chapel Sunday School room at the pew where he prayed for revival, and then preach from his pulpit in Moriah Chapel in a rare and miraculous, as Heather sang over the people!
Praise You, Jesus! Praise You for every mantle of revival and impartation of passion to join Your people to see salvation, healing, deliverance, and a wave of revival in our generation like the world has never seen!
I’m remembering an old man, “Old Harold” they called him, back at Heather’s home church in northern Wales the Sunday morning before we started our ministry journey through Wales and down to Moriah Chapel in southern Wales. Harold’s mother was saved through the ministry of Evan Roberts in the great Welsh Revival. They called it “The Singing Revival.” As soon as I met him, I kneeled down and asked “Old Harold” to pray for me to carry that Spirit of Revival from Wales, along the lines of Paul’s prayer for impartation in Romans Chapter 1:
“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established” (Romans 1:11 NKJV). “Some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord” (NLT).
I just now dug up my Morning by Morning prayer devotional from that next day, twelve years ago, and I pray it back to You now, Lord, with that same longing for revival in my spirit today:
Morning by Morning, October 11, 2010 - “The Time of Singing has Come!” 

Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are great and mighty, merciful and kind. I honor You and welcome You into my thoughts and desires and every moment of my day. …
“My Beloved speaks and says to me: ‘Arise my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land’” (Song of Solomon 2:10-12).
You are the God who gives us voice to sing Your praise and declare Your goodness. After the Sunday morning message yesterday in Anglesey, Wales, a woman came up for prayer for persistent pain in her throat and damage from many years of smoking cigarettes. She could speak alright, but she hadn’t been able to sing in years, which had been a great passion of her heart.
After we prayed, Your Spirit stirred in my heart to ask her to sing. And she did! With each verse, her voice grew stronger! By the time she came to the verse of Your healing power, the whole church was filled with her voice and Your praises! As she cried with tears of thanksgiving for Your mercy and love, she said this was such a wonderful day--not only because of her miraculous healing, but also because her husband had come with her to church for the first time in a long time! She said he wasn’t saved, but she knew he’d heard God’s Word today and it would be a deep seed planted in his heart that would surely grow.
I looked and saw him standing at the back of the church and waved him up to us. I asked him if he heard how God healed his wife’s voice. He said Yes! Then she said something about him singing with her in the past and how wonderful it would be for them to sing together again.
I asked him if he sang, and he didn’t answer. In the convergence of our Welsh and American accents, the wife thought I was asking her husband if he was saved and repeated my question to him in her version. So I asked, “Can you sing?” He said, “Yes.” I asked, “Are you saved?” He paused and said, “I think so.”
I said, “Well, you can know so. Would you like me to lead you in a prayer to ask Jesus into your heart?” He said, “Yes, I would” and prayed with me. Once again the church was filled with our voices and Your praises! No doubt the angels joined in with their voices and praises as well: “Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents!” (Luke 15:10).
They speak of the great revival in Wales in the early 1900’s as “The Singing Revival.” And just before my message, I asked an older man whose mother was saved in that revival and imparted to her son that revival spirit that’s never wavered for all these years to come pray for us to have that spirit.
O Lord, You are answering our prayers! You are releasing the spirit of revival in our hearts and in this land and throughout the earth. Heavenly Father, Your Holy Spirit is preparing a holy Bride for the coming of Your Son. Let us be a passionate people, singing to You our songs of thanksgiving for Your mercy and love, filling the earth with our voices of Your praises. “The time of singing has come!” (Song of Solomon 2:12) In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
(That morning, I included this following note for my devotional readers at the end of my prayer)
Friends, please keep us in prayer during our time in Wales and England this month for our Encounter Wales! ministry trip. We are encountering and experiencing God among the people in many diverse ways. We're so grateful to Heather Butler and her husband Bob of Hidden Treasures Ministries and Honey from the Rock Healing Rooms of Wales for making the arrangements and provision for us to come and minister and to come and receive of the impartation for revival from the heart of this land to share in ministry to the nations and at home.
Our team will travel all over to towns and villages in Wales and to Oxford, Birmingham, and Plymouth England to preach, pray, and love the people of this land, as we share the Good News of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. And we're so grateful to you, standing with us in prayer, encouragement, and provision that makes it possible to fulfill the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries at home and abroad, "Preparing the way of the Lord ... Ministering the healing love of God." God bless you, my friend!
Wales has deep spiritual roots. The great Welsh Revival, in about 1904-1906, swept the nation and in time, impacted the world. It began as a simple time of fervent prayer and testimonies of repentance, led by a young man named Evan Roberts. I'll get to speak and share at Moriah Chapel, his home church where the Revival began humbly; and I'm excited about going to drink deeply from that ancient well of world-changing revival.
Many also believe the Welsh Revival was a precursor to the famous Azusa Street Revival in California that ushered in the 20th century Pentecostal movement. Let's pray for revival and awakening in the hearts of the people and in ours. If you'd like to be part of our interactive, intercessory prayer team, please send a note to Linda back at home, our pastor of prayer ministries, coordinating our prayer team with updates, testimonies, and shared insights from prayer. God bless you!
Yes, Lord! I put You “in remembrance” of these things that You have done and ask You to do it again in our day! (Isaiah 43:26) “O, that You would tear open the heavens and come down!” (Isaiah 64:1). Yes, Lord! “Revive us again!” (Psalm 85:6) In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may your be filled up and overflowing with the Holy Spirit, embracing a "mantle for revival" in your passionate prayers for revival in our hearts and in our land and to the ends of the earth in our generation, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

Messiah Ministries Mailing Address:
412 S. Adams Street #148
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Please share this word to encourage a friend!
Anyone can sign up for free to receive them at:
The Lighthouse at Holyhead, Anglesey Island, Wales,
where my great friend and prophetic intercessor,
Heather Butler and her husband Bob live and pray for revival again!
Please Pray for a Great Outbreak of Revival this Weekend for Our Revival Meetings in Fredericksburg, Texas
Revival at the Barn!
Please Keep us in Prayer for These
Messiah Ministries Events

Pakistan Ministry Praise Report!
We are praising God! Another Holy Spirit Outpouring during our Pakistan Ministry Open Air Crusade through our monthly internet ministry there! We had our largest gathering yet, with this exciting Praise Report from our ministry partners there, Pastor Rizwan and Mehwish Fazal:

“Thank the Lord 372 Souls are Saved and 28 Persons are Healed on the Spot!
One Person wasn’t able to walk clear from his right leg but after your Prayer he went back home by walking clearly.
One Woman had Stomach Pain from last 4 months but after doctors reports she has no more Stomach Problem.
One more big testimony, one person had stones in his gall bladder but after your Prayer Holy Spirit operated and no more stones!”

We Praise God for all He is doing in Pakistan! Each month we try to go to a different village and set up a projector screen for me to preach through Skype, with Pastor Rizwan interpreting for me and then he and his wife and the team follow up with ministry and discipleship.

Thank you so much, friends, for all your prayers and support that make this evangelistic part of our ministry possible! 

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14).

June 3-4
Revival at the Barn! All are welcome! Please Spread the Word!
Hosted by a family-owned, local Christian business at the Barn behind Yee Haw Ranch on Hwy 290 East of Fredericksburg, Texas
6:00 PM Friday Night and Saturday Night
Worship. Word. Ministry. Praying to Experience Revival!
Ready for Baptisms in the Horse Trough! (a new one!)

June 5
First Gathering for our School of Ministry Series in Lampasas, Texas for Inner Healing & Deliverance Prayer Ministry hosted by the Citywide ministerial association in Lampasas. Level 1 and Level 2 Training and Equipping Weekends to follow.
Let me know if you would like to be a part:

June 9-11
Spiritual Retreat for my Bridge Church Freedom Equipping Class at Mo Ranch. Current Students and Alumni Welcome!

July 7-8
Leading a Spiritual Retreat with South Texas Aglow Leadership at South Padre Island.

July 23-31
Keynote Speaker at the Nova Scotia Camp Meeting.
I'm excited to be the Evangelist and Keynote Speaker at the annual Camp Meeting at Fundy Bay Camp in Nova Scotia, Canada. During the morning sessions, we will have Prophetic Roundtables led by fellow MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries member Sylvain Gauthier.

Fundy Bay Camp Meeting
1224 Baxter’s Harbour Road
Kings County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Contact: Wade Marshall

August 18-29
Our Next Ministry Trip to Central Mexico with Morelia House of Prayer and Rey de Reyes Iglesia!

September 17
Fundraiser Celebration for Messiah Ministries
Hosted at Rafter E Ranch outside Fredericksburg, Texas

Watch our Weekly Episodes of Healing from the Inside Out. Aired on Thursdays at 5 PM CST / 3 PM PST on TLN West

And also on our Messiah Ministries YouTube Channel:
More Episodes being added! Please share it with anyone who needs to encounter the Healing Love of God!

Freedom Equipping Class every week as part of the discipleship plan at Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas
Tuesday Afternoons (1:30 - 3:30)
Tuesday Nights (6:00 - 8:00)

Based on the principles of my book
Free to Be Like Jesus! — Transforming Power of Inner Healing & Deliverance

Monday Nights
Rocio and I lead an Online Connect Group for MorningStar Ministries

Wednesday Mornings
Joining with MorningStar Ministries to Lead Online Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry Sessions for the Online Connect Groups from around the world.

Personal Ministry Appointments
Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session: 

Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Sign up Here for this Free Video Series for Inner Healing and Spiritual Freedom in Christ:

Monday, May 30, 2022

Honoring Our Fallen Warriors - May 30, 2022


Morning by Morning, May 30 - Honoring Our Fallen Warriors
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I look to You and honor You -- here in these first moments of my morning and in every moment of my day. ...
In my nation, today is Memorial Day. We honor the men and women who fought and died for our freedom, that we can remain “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” I know some don’t; but I do.
They are fallen warriors. Their lives and their deaths have meaning and purpose, essential for the survival of our nation and worthy of the honor of our nation. They laid down their lives for us that we could live our lives in freedom. Freedom has a price; and they paid that price. “There is a time for war” (Ecclesiastes 3:8). And they answered the call of their time with the sacrifice of their lives.
As I think of them today, I also think of You. In a sense, You are our Fallen Warrior:
“I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously;
    horse and rider He has thrown into the sea.
The Lord is my Strength and my Might,  
    and He has become my Salvation;
this is my God, and I will praise Him;
    my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
The Lord is a Warrior;
    the Lord is His name!” (Exodus 15:1-3)
The enemy of our souls did not take Your life, but You willingly laid down Your life for us (John 10:18). You are the One who is both our Fallen Warrior and our Victorious Warrior, as You poured out Your Blood for us at the Cross, and as our Father raised You from the dead for us in Resurrection Life to give You the name above every name (Philippians 2:5-11).
You were Fallen, that we could be forgiven. You died, that we could live in freedom -- freedom from sin, freedom from regret, freedom from everything that would hold us back from being all You created us to be. And that we could live our lives in honor -- the honor of knowing we are sons and daughters of the living God, created with meaning and purpose, to live out our destiny in You in the freedom You’ve made available to us.
“Thanks be to God that (we) who were slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart ... having been set free from sin” through Your sacrifice on the Cross for us! (Romans 6:17-18)
So this Memorial Day, as we honor the brave men and women who fought for us and died for us as fallen warriors, we also remember and honor the One who gives meaning and honor to both our lives and our deaths when our lives are entrusted to You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I join with you to remember and honor our fallen warriors, as we remember and our Fallen and Victorious Warrior, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

Messiah Ministries Mailing Address:
412 S. Adams Street #148
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Please share this word to encourage a friend!
Anyone can sign up for free to receive them at:
Please Keep us in Prayer for These
Messiah Ministries Events

Pakistan Ministry Praise Report!
We are praising God! Another Holy Spirit Outpouring during our Pakistan Ministry Open Air Crusade through our monthly internet ministry there! We had our largest gathering yet, with this exciting Praise Report from our ministry partners there, Pastor Rizwan and Mehwish Fazal:

“Thank the Lord 372 Souls are Saved and 28 Persons are Healed on the Spot!
One Person wasn’t able to walk clear from his right leg but after your Prayer he went back home by walking clearly.
One Woman had Stomach Pain from last 4 months but after doctors reports she has no more Stomach Problem.
One more big testimony, one person had stones in his gall bladder but after your Prayer Holy Spirit operated and no more stones!”

We Praise God for all He is doing in Pakistan! Each month we try to go to a different village and set up a projector screen for me to preach through Skype, with Pastor Rizwan interpreting for me and then he and his wife and the team follow up with ministry and discipleship.

Thank you so much, friends, for all your prayers and support that make this evangelistic part of our ministry possible! 

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14).

June 3-4
Revival at the Barn! All are welcome! Please Spread the Word!
Hosted by a family-owned, local Christian business at the Barn behind Yee Haw Ranch on Hwy 290 East of Fredericksburg, Texas
6:00 PM Friday Night and Saturday Night
Worship. Word. Ministry. Praying to Experience Revival!
Ready for Baptisms in the Horse Trough! (a new one!)

June 5
First Gathering for our School of Ministry Series in Lampasas, Texas for Inner Healing & Deliverance Prayer Ministry hosted by the Citywide ministerial association in Lampasas. Level 1 and Level 2 Training and Equipping Weekends to follow.
Let me know if you would like to be a part:

June 9-11
Spiritual Retreat for my Bridge Church Freedom Equipping Class at Mo Ranch. Current Students and Alumni Welcome!

July 7-8
Leading a Spiritual Retreat with South Texas Aglow Leadership at South Padre Island.

July 23-31
Keynote Speaker at the Nova Scotia Camp Meeting.
I'm excited to be the Evangelist and Keynote Speaker at the annual Camp Meeting at Fundy Bay Camp in Nova Scotia, Canada. During the morning sessions, we will have Prophetic Roundtables led by fellow MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries member Sylvain Gauthier.

Fundy Bay Camp Meeting
1224 Baxter’s Harbour Road
Kings County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Contact: Wade Marshall

August 18-29
Our Next Ministry Trip to Central Mexico with Morelia House of Prayer and Rey de Reyes Iglesia!

September 17
Fundraiser Celebration for Messiah Ministries
Hosted at Rafter E Ranch outside Fredericksburg, Texas

Watch our Weekly Episodes of Healing from the Inside Out. Aired on Thursdays at 5 PM CST / 3 PM PST on TLN West

And also on our Messiah Ministries YouTube Channel:
More Episodes being added! Please share it with anyone who needs to encounter the Healing Love of God!

Freedom Equipping Class every week as part of the discipleship plan at Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas
Tuesday Afternoons (1:30 - 3:30)
Tuesday Nights (6:00 - 8:00)

Based on the principles of my book
Free to Be Like Jesus! — Transforming Power of Inner Healing & Deliverance

Monday Nights
Rocio and I lead an Online Connect Group for MorningStar Ministries

Wednesday Mornings
Joining with MorningStar Ministries to Lead Online Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry Sessions for the Online Connect Groups from around the world.

Personal Ministry Appointments
Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session: 

Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Sign up Here for this Free Video Series for Inner Healing and Spiritual Freedom in Christ: