Dear Friends of Messiah Ministries & Tommy Hays
Please come join us Friday Night, April 24th for our Annual Messiah Ministries Celebration Dinner! Come hear our calling and join our vision, as we celebrate all the Lord is doing through this ministry He has entrusted to us "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God."
We will worship together, share a delicious meal, hear amazing testimonies of the grace and power of God's love. Anointed worship leader Rob Poindexter will lead in worship and founder Tommy Hays will share a message of hope and encouragement in these troubled days, filled with prophetic promise.
Please come and bring some friends who may have a heart for our ministry. Dinner and Desert is free, with an opportunity to give generously to the vision and calling of Messiah Ministries. To help us plan, please RSVP to Marilyn Walker at DirOfMinistries@aol.com or 859-317-1591 as soon as possible. Many of our ministry friends are also hosting a table of eight or just coming to join in.
If you're not able to come, but would find joy in giving toward the dinner or our ministry, please send a check for "Messiah Ministries" to our ministry address or contribute on-line as listed below.
I will be happy to personally speak with you or a potential friend of our ministry about our vision and calling based founded upon Isaiah 61 and Luke 4, proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God, binding up the brokenhearted and setting the captives free in the name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of our Father.
God bless you and thank you!
Tommy Hays
Founder and Spiritual Director
Messiah Ministries
2800 Tates Creek Rd.
Lexington, KY 40502