Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Rider on the White Horse - July 31

Friends,  I'm sorry I haven't been able to send out my morning prayers for a few days due to our intense travel and ministry times in the Yukon, but I'm so glad you've joined me in the journey of prayer. Let's pray for one another to keep growing in deeper intmacy with God through prayer every day.

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You into my heart and into every moment and area of my life, this day and every day. ...

"Then I saw heaven opened, and there was a white horse! Its rider is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name that is inscribed that no one knows but Himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, wearing fine linen, white and pure, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; He will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On His robe and on His thigh He has a name inscribed, 'King of kings and Lord of lords' " (Revelation 19:11-16).

Lord Jesus, You are the Rider on the white horse. You are the One with fire in Your eyes and crowns on Your head. You release the words and the wrath of God the Almighty, trampling underfoot the evil and rebellion of the wickedness of the world in the righteousness and power of Your name. You are Faithful and True; You are The Word of God; You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are mighty and majestic, virtuous and victorious. As Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are God the Almighty.

One day You will return in glory in the skies (1 Thessalonians 5:16). And every moment of every day, You desire to arise in glory in our hearts (Isaiah 60:1). As You arise in us and upon our land, our enemies are scattered and Your name is glorified (Psalm 68:1). In the righteousness of setting things right and the restoration of Your creation, You are the One who is worthy to judge and make war-saving the lost, healing the wounded, and freeing the captives, who will ride in righteousness with You.

What a prophetic picture of this exciting Scripture we experienced this past week! You opened the door and called us to follow You from our ministry time in Alaska to White Horse, Canada, high in the wilderness of the Yukon territory. We had heard of the intense spiritual warfare of this region from leaders and friends who had gone before us. There's great calling and destiny upon this land and its people, ordained by God since before the foundation of time. And likewise, the enemy of Your creation has been at work in the generations of the indigenous people, the settlers to follow, and every other generation to ever encounter the spiritual battles of life and death, righteousness and evil, prosperity and poverty, upon this majestically beautiful land. But You were at work and at war, mightily moving in all of us to see Your victory in the midst of our battles.

The most profound picture, as a foretaste of what You were doing, came at our Sunday afternoon meeting outdoors by the freshwater stream . A man temporarily living on the property was arrested and as he was being taken away, a young woman emerged. Broken and ashamed, crying and afraid, she chose to stay to hear the Word of God in a spiritual atmosphere of worship and prayer.

As You led me to speak of the Father's heart revealed in the love and power of Jesus Christ, she gave her life to You that day! From brokenness to breakthrough, from shame to peace, from tears to joy, You were judging and making war against the enemy of her soul. With shouts of victory and joy, we baptized her in the fresh waters of that stream and the Living Waters of Your Spirit that very afternoon! Praise You, Jesus! You are the Rider on the White Horse; and there's another one who will ride with the armies of heaven, dressed in white at Your side! In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, thank you so much for your prayers for us. We've had incredible time of ministry here in Alaska and Canada these past two weeks. Despite intense spiritual warfare, we've seen the Lord move mightily in salvation, healing, deliverance, equipping for ministry, impartation of spiritual gifts, and great buidling of lasting relationships for the Kingdom. We'll be heading home tomorrow. We couldn't do this kind of ministry without the prayers of those who cover us and join with us in the Spirit.

If you would like to be part of our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team, please send a note to Heather Butler, our Pastor of Prayer Ministries, who lives in Wales but coordinates our team through the internet:

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"A Strong City" of Our God - July 25

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Align my heart with Your heart, my thoughts with Your thoughts, and my will with Your will. Make me more like You today. ...

"On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; He sets up victory like walls and bulwarks. Open the gates, so that the righteous nation that keeps faith may enter in. Those of steadfast mind You keep in peace-in peace because they trust in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God, you have an everlasting rock" (Isaiah 26:1-4).

You are my strength and my song. In You I put my hope; in You I put my trust. Not in the cities of the nations, but in the city of our God alone can we find our peace. Not in our righteousness, but in the righteousness of the steadfast love and tender mercy of our God alone can we enter into the security and rest You've prepared for those who trust in You.

Open the gates of Your mercy. Open the gates of Your love. Open the gates of Your peace. Fill our hearts with songs of praise; fill our mouths with shouts of victory. You are our everlasting rock, who will never falter and never fail. This is the promise of life You have for all will choose to live in the city of our God. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, thank you for your prayers for us this past week at Breakthrough Church in Juneau, Alaska ( We've seen the Lord move deeply and mightily with inner healing, deliverance, and prophetic ministry! This week we'll have some personal ministry appointments with people, along with a few days of rest. This weekend, we'll be ministering at Cowboy Church at Whitehorse Riding Stables in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada on Saturdy Night July 28 at 6PM and Sunday July 29 at 1PM. Please keep us in prayer. We praise God for our great friend and intercessor, Linda Coulter who provided the way for us to come and minister in Alaska! And we praise God for you and all who cover us in prayer and support us in ministry that allow us to go where the Lord sends us.

If you would like to be part of our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team, please send a note to Heather Butler, our Pastor of Prayer Ministries, who lives in Wales but coordinates our team through the internet:
Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!
Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Breaking Through and Breaking Free - July 24

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Let Your light and love shine in my heart and soul today. ...

"On this mountain the Lord of host will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. And He will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; He will swallow up death forever" (Isaiah 25:6-8).

Mount Juneau overlooks this capitol city of Alaska, where we've been speaking and ministering the healing love and power of God for a week among the people here. There's often a thick covering of cloud embracing the tops of the mountains, with the peaks stretching up and pressing through. It makes me think of the glory of the Lord covering this land with Your Presence and promises of what is to come.

And at the same time, the enemy of our souls also tries to cover this land, with his shroud of darkness and death, with discouragement and depression. Sunday morning, You gave me a vision of encouragement to share with the people. As they lifted their faces to You in worship and lifted high their hands in praise, their outstretched arms were like the peaks of the mountains, pushing up through the enemy's shroud, breaking through and breaking free!

You lead me to declare these words from Isaiah 25 over them. And also the following verses of assurance and hope: "Then the Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of His people He will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken. It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, that He might save us. This is the Lord of whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation. For the hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain" (Isaiah 25:8-10).

Yes, Lord. Let it be so here in this place and throughout the earth. Stir up Your Spirit of worship and praise that lifts our spirits, breaks off the darkness, and open ups Your heavens over our lives. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, thank you for your prayers for us this past week at Breakthrough Church in Juneau, Alaska ( We've seen the Lord move deeply and mightily with inner healing, deliverance, and prophetic ministry! This week we'll have some personal ministry appointments with people, along with a few days of rest. This weekend, we'll be ministering at Cowboy Church in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Please keep us in prayer. We praise God for our great friend and intercessor, Linda Coulter who provided the way for us to come and minister in Alaska! And we praise God for you and all who cover us in prayer and support us in ministry that allow us to go where the Lord sends us.

If you would like to be part of our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team, please send a note to Heather Butler, our Pastor of Prayer Ministries, who lives in Wales but coordinates our team through the internet:

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sacrifice of Life for Love - July 20

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I lift up my eyes and open my ears to look and listen for Your leading in these first moments of my morning today. ...

"Jesus answered them, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Those who love their life, lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves Me must follow Me, and where I am, there will My servant be also. Whoever serves Me, the Father will honor" (John 12:23-26).

A valley stream runs by the Breakthrough Church at the foot of the mountain in Juneau, Alaska where we were speaking last night. And right before the meeting we saw several huge salmon, who had swam upstream from the ocean to spawn and to die. It's the last act of their life cycle-to return to the stream where they were born and lay down their lives to give birth to the next generation. In these sacred moments, having grown into fully maturity, they are consumed with this passion and service of self-sacrifice.

How beautiful. How sad if we see it through self-centered eyes. And yet, how humbling is this prophetic picture of Your call to us to lay down our lives for the sake of others, just as You laid down Your life for us. This is truly the test of our spiritual maturity. And this is truly the way we find our way home, being conformed into the image of the One we're called to follow.

Lord, help me find my way home. Help me grow up into spiritual maturity, following You and Your example of sacrificial love. Help me willingly choose every day to lay down my life for Your sake and Your calling for the purposes You've chosen for my life to bear much fruit. May it no longer be I who live, but Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20). In Jesus' name I pray.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, please keep us in prayer as Sylvia and I speak and minister this week at Breakthrough Church in Juneau, Alaska ( Next week, we'll be ministering at Cowboy Church in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. We praise God for our great friend and intercessor, Linda Coulter who provided the way for us to come and minister in Alaska! And we praise God for you and all who cover us in prayer and support us in ministry that allow us to go where the Lord sends us.

If you would like to be part of our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team, please send a note to Heather Butler, our Pastor of Prayer Ministries, who lives in Wales but coordinates our team through the internet:
Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!
Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"The North Gate" - July 19

Good morning, Lord Jesus. All that I am and all that I have belong to You. I give to You as my offering every moment of my day. ...

"Then He brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; and I looked, and lo! the glory of the Lord filled with temple of the Lord; and I fell upon my face" (Ezekiel 44:4).

Seeing the sun rise this morning over Mt. Juneau in this far northern land of Alaska, Your Holy Spirit is bringing to mind the north gate of the temple. As Ezekiel came to the north gate, he looked and saw the glory of the Lord fill the temple. And he was undone. He fell to his face in worship and awe of Your manifest Presence.

Lord, let this northern gate of America be a place where the people of God fall on their faces in worship. Let it be a place where the glory of Your manifest Presence comes rushing into our land again like a mighty, rushing river of revival. Open up this gate, O God, "that the King of glory may come in" (Psalm 24:7).

As in the days of Ezekiel, show us the things in our hearts and in our land that are hindrances to a great move of Your Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 44:6-8). Convict us of our sins, heal us of our wounds, and free us from our chains. By the blood of Jesus, cleanse our hearts and our land to welcome Your Spirit afresh in the temple of our lives. Draw us to a deeper place of intimacy with You, as we honor Your Word and welcome Your Spirit in wholly surrendered, passionate worship of You alone (Ezekiel 44:15-31). In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, please keep us in prayer as Sylvia and I speak and minister this week at Breakthrough Church in Juneau, Alaska ( Next week, we'll be ministering at Cowboy Church in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. We praise God for our great friend and intercessor, Linda Coulter who provided the way for us to come and minister in Alaska! And we praise God for you and all who cover us in prayer and support us in ministry that allow us to go where the Lord sends us.

If you would like to be part of our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team, please send a note to Heather Butler, our Pastor of Prayer Ministries, who lives in Wales but coordinates our team through the internet:
Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!
Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Come Up Here" - July 18

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Good morning, Heavenly Father. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Lord God Almighty, I love You and worship You in every Dimension of Your Being with every dimension of my being. ...

"After this I looked, and there in heaven a door stood open! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.' At once, I was in the Spirit, and there in heaven was a throne, with One seated on the throne!" (Revelation 4:1-2)

We've "come up here" to Alaska for two weeks of ministry and adventure near the top of the world. I've never been this far north before. And I've also never seen such heavenly beauty on earth before. Snow-covered peaks, stretching high above the clouds and overlooking the rugged beauty of lush green trees and deep blue waters, leave us breathless at the majesty and grandeur of Your creation.

Lord, open our eyes to see Your beauty in the nature of the land and in the nature of Your people here in this high place on the earth. Like John, let us hear Your voice and see with Your eyes what You are doing. Give us Your words of encouragement and comfort to come alongside the Body and Bride of Christ in this region of the world.

Give us great expectant faith to see You healing the broken, freeing the captives, and preparing the way of the Lord in the hearts of Your people. Let us see the beauty of Your holiness, as You minister Your freedom and healing from the inside out in the hearts of Your children. Let us "come up here" to encounter Your Presence and experience Your power through the healing love of God in this high and heavenly place. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, please keep us in prayer as Sylvia and I speak and minister this week at Breakthrough Church in Juneau, Alaska ( Next week, we'll be ministering at Cowboy Church in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. We praise God for our great friend and intercessor, Linda Coulter who provided the way for us to come and minister in Alaska! And we praise God for you and all who cover us in prayer and support us in ministry that allow us to go where the Lord sends us.

If you would like to be part of our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team, please send a note to Heather Butler, our Pastor of Prayer Ministries, who lives in Wales but coordinates our team through the internet:

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"With Unveiled Face" - July 17

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Help me begin this day and every day embraced by the Father, centered in Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. ...

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into that same image from one degree of glory to another, for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).

You've given me the freedom to worship You or not, trust You or not, obey You or not, love You or not. Without freedom, it wouldn't really be true worship or trust or obedience or love. So in the freedom You've given me and in the power of Your grace by Your Spirit at work within me, I do seek You; I do seek to behold Your glory-with "unveiled face."

In the spirit of worship and prayer in communion with You, remove the veil from my face. Remove everything that would keep me from seeing You as You truly are. As deep calls unto deep, as Your Holy Spirit abides in communion with my human spirit, open the eyes of my heart to see You. Move in me with the desire to become more like You-to be transformed into Your image from degree of glory to another, "to be conformed into the image of (the Son of God)" (Romans 8:29). In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

God bless you, Tommy! May you see the Lord and His glory today, as the Spirit of God continues to make you more like Jesus. Please pray the same for me.

Please keep us in prayer as Sylvia and I travel to Juneau, Alaska for ministry there later this week at Breakthrough Church and at Cowboy Church in Yukon, Canada next week. Upcoming Ministry Events with Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!
Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Into All the Truth" - July 16

Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords. Be King and Lord of every moment of my day. ...

"I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak of His own, but will speak whatever He hears, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify Me, because He will take what is Mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is Mine. For this reason I said that He will take what is Mine and declare it to you" (John 16:13-15).

Holy Spirit of God, You always glorify Jesus. Lord Jesus Christ, You always honor the Father, perfectly revealing His heart and nature to us as "the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Heavenly Father, You are always reaching out to us by the abiding presence of Your Spirit, drawing us to Christ, who is always drawing us to You (John 14:10).

Lord, help me listen to Your Spirit and embrace Your truth, as He guides me into all truth, step by step and day by day. And help me be patient to trust Your timing of what and when You teach me, because You know best how much I can bear, along the journey to spiritual maturity.

There is so much more I need to know and so much more I need to experience. But You are a faithful Guide. And You are the One who is forever called "Faithful and True" (Revelation 19:11). In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, thank you so much for your prayers for us this past week and weekend at the Youth United Spiritual Retreat at Country Lake Christian Retreat in Indiana. Sylvia and I, along with our teaching and prayer ministry team from Messiah Ministries, saw the Holy Spirit move in mighty ways with salvation, healing and freedom among the Korean-American and International Youth. Please keep them all in your prayers as they all to home to live out all the Lord has done and continues to do. 2012 Youth United Spiritual Retreat

Please keep us in prayer as we prepare to travel to Juneau, Alaska for ministry there later this week at Breakthrough Church Upcoming Ministry Events with Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Healing Hearts, Blessing the Land - July 11

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I love You, Lord. Thank You for first loving me. ...

"Lo, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents, so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse" (Malachi 4:5-6).

Your Father heart is to bless and not curse, to build up and not to destroy, to save and not condemn. You want our land and our lives to prosper and express the witness of Your glory and grace in this world. But our hearts much be right, in relationship with You and with one another. "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.... Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you" (James 4:6-10).

So send Your Word and send Your Spirit to change our hearts and heal our land. Send the Spirit of Elijah to prepare the way of the Lord in the earth and in Your people, now before Your second coming, just as You did before Your first coming (Matthew 3:3). That day will be both "the great and terrible day of the Lord"-"great" for those who turn to You in humility and faith, but "terrible" for those who persist in the pride of their own way in rebellion to You.

Lord, restore the love and respect between generations. Empower us by Your grace to honor one another, even willing to lay down our lives for one another. Instead of the jealousy, resentment, and strife that flow out our selfish, wounded, and fearful hearts, give us the heart of the Father and the mind of Christ so we can flow in the power and love of Your Holy Spirit. Then our land and our lives will be blessed, even in the midst of this broken and fallen world. Then we will be the Body and Bride of Christ, shining in the light of Your glory, prepared and expectant for the coming day of the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, Sylvia and I, along with a teaching and prayer ministry team from Messiah Ministries, will be speaking at a Spiritul Retreat this week for Korean-American and International Youth at Country Lake Christian Retreat near Lexington, Indiana, (Youth United Spiritual Retreat). Please keep us in your prayers for an outpouring of the Lord's power and love!

Also please pray for all our friends at the annual Aldersgate Conference this week in Charleston, WV on Spirit-filled Life and Ministry. Wish we could somehow be there too! It's my favorite spiritual renewal gathering every summer, hosted by Aldersgate Renewal Ministries (Aldersgate 2012 Holy Spirit Conference).

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Higher Thoughts - July 10

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I rest in You and awaken in You. ...

I rest in You and awaken in You

I fear You and love You

I'm lost to this world and found in You

I'm dead to myself and alive in You

You are my Answer and Wisdom

You are my All in All ...

Thank You, Lord, for these words You are writing in my spirit this morning. Help me think more like You think and see myself more like You see me. Your precepts and principles just seem like paradoxes and puns to the wise of this world, but they are keys of the Kingdom of God. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).

I don't want to have the mind of the world; I want to have "the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16). I want to "be transformed by the renewing of (my) mind" (Romans 12:2). I want to have Your higher thoughts.

How I think-how I think of myself, how I think of You, how I think of my place in Your world, and how I think of Your place in my life-determine, in large part, who I am and who I am growing up to be. Spiritual maturity has a lot to do with Spiritual thinking and believing. "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 3:7, NKJ). "According to your faith let it be done to you" (Matthew 9:29).

So by the power of Your grace, put Your thoughts in my thoughts and change how I think to how You think. I open my mind to Your words and open my heart to Your ways. Change me and make me more like You each day. Your Word invites me and challenges me to "have this same mind in (me) that as in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). Let this become my way of thinking and believing. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, Sylvia and I, along with a teaching and prayer ministry team, will be speaking at a Spiritul Retreat this week for Korean-American and International Youth at Country Lake Christian Retreat near Lexington, Indiana, (Youth United Spiritual Retreat). Please keep us in your prayers for an outpouring of the Lord's power and love!

Also please pray for all our friends at the annual Aldersgate Conference this week in Charleston, WV on Spirit-filled Life and Ministry. Wish we could somehow be there too! It's my favorite spiritual renewal gathering every summer, hosted by Aldersgate Renewal Ministries (Aldersgate 2012 Holy Spirit Conference).

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Monday, July 09, 2012

Father's Blessing - July 9

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, fill my spirit, soul, and body with the fullness of Your Presence abiding in me, as You help me abide in You. ...

"By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, 'bowing in worship over the top of his staff' " (Hebrews 11:21).

It's a great honor and a great responsibility to speak words of blessing over our children. Sunday morning was another opportunity for me to take that responsibility and authority in my children's lives. They were here from the various cities where they now live and we decided to have "home church" at the house together.

I spoke to them about Jacob's life, how he had many struggles and failures in his life and family. And I admitted I have had my own. Yet it was in Jacob's heart to bless his children with a father's blessing, that each would know their heavenly Father's heart for each of them, expressed in a measure through their earthly father. And the same was in my heart for each of them. May they receive both their heavenly Father's blessing and their earthly father's blessing from the Father heart of God:

Father God, in the name of Jesus, and by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit moving in each of my children's lives, I pray they would know You and grow daily in a personal and intimate relationship with You. I pray their hearts would be humble in honoring dependence upon You alone, yet full of faith to know You're always with them, always loving them, always guiding them. Let them embrace Your loving correction and experience Your awesome power. Let them discover the gifting, calling, anointing, and destiny they each uniquely have in You, as they grow in the certainty and confidence of their true identity in You. Hold them close and surround them with Your holy angels, to guard them, fight for them, and minister alongside them. Bless them with the Godly marriages, friendships, and relationship that You have chosen for them throughout the seasons of their lives. Let Your favor and blessing rest upon them and upon their children and children's children, throughout all generations to come. Open doors of Your opportunities, with favor and anointing so that they prosper in their calling and fulfill their destiny, finding their place in establishing Your Kingdom, with the Body and Bride of Christ. Give them compassionate, generous hearts to radically love You and love people, with a healthy love for themselves as You have created them to be. Help them choose well and live their lives for You, wholly surrendered to You and fully trusting You to know best for each of them. Give them mercy and grace for others and for themselves through every sin and failure that leads them to repentance in Your forgiveness and teaches them Your ways. May they be rooted and grounded in Your Word. May they be guided and empowered by Your Spirit. May their lives be fulfilling, bearing much fruit by Your Holy Spirit, continually filling them and forever abiding with them, as they grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and with man. Make them more like Jesus every day. And in the power of Your grace, please bless them with Your Father's blessing in every way I've failed and every way they need, because the truth is You love them even more than I or any earthly father ever could. Let them never doubt that they are always loved by You and by me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Tommy, may you know the fullness of Your Father's Blessing deep down in your heart and throughout the moments of days, in Jesus' name. God bless you, my friend. Thank you for your prayers and blessings for me.

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Friday, July 06, 2012

July 6 - "Peace at All Times in All Ways"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I seek You and need You. I give my life to You. ...

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways" (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

Lord, let Your peace, like a river, flow through my soul. You are the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Peace (Isaiah9:6). And only in Your peace can I find mine.

Calm my spirit, steady my nerves, settle my thoughts, and guide my heart. I long for Your peace at all times and in all ways. By the mercy and power of Your grace, bring me to that place which "surpasses all understanding," where I am at peace with God, at peace with others, and at peace within myself (Philippians 4:7). In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Tommy, let's pray for the Lord's peace for one another, at all times in all ways. God bless you in the shalom of God, Tommy

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Thursday, July 05, 2012

God's Word at Work - July 5

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Help me start this day and every day embraced by my Father, centered in Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. ...

"We also constantly give thanks to God for this, that when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word but as what it really is, God's word, which is also at work in you believers" (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

Thank You for Your word at work in me. As one who believes in You, I receive it and accept it as the word of God. I believe Your word is powerful, that it's alive and active, to be treated with honor and embraced as truth.

Let Your words of truth and life have their full effect in every dimension of my life. Let them change the way I think and feel and choose. Let them change me, from the inside out, to make me more like You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Monday, July 02, 2012

Faith and Love - July 2

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I want to seek Your face, listen for Your voice, and follow Your steps. ...

"I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers" (Ephesians 1:15-16).

Faith in Jesus, love toward people-when the apostle Paul heard of this spirit in Your people he gave You thanks and praise. Faith and love are powerful expressions of hearts and minds growing up in spiritual maturity. And Paul labored and longed to see the nature of Christ birthed and formed in all the believers of Your early Church (Galatians 4:19).

Lord, let my faith increase. Let my love increase. Let Your nature be formed in my spirit; let my nature be conformed to Your image. Form Your thoughts in my mind and Your desires in my heart. Make me more like You each day.

And when I encounter the opposite desires in my flesh that oppose Your Spirit, give me humility to see it and courage to be changed. Lift my eyes in faith and open my heart in love to give me the grace to keep growing up in Christ. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, we've made it home from all our ministry travels through many cities in June. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement, and support that make our ministry possible! We're hearing reports and exciting testimonies of what the Lord has done. Now, we will get a little time with family at home before our next trip. God bless you!

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Friday, June 29, 2012

"With Every Spiritual Blessing" - June 29

Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are my Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Put Your thoughts in my mind and Your desires in my heart this day. ...

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as He chose us in Christ before the foundations of the world to be holy and blameless before Him in love" (Ephesians 1:3-4).

Father God, I am one of Your sons, a child of God, through Jesus Christ my Lord (v. 1:5-6). You have forgiven me of my sins, cleansed them completely through the blood of the Lamb, drawn me near to Your side and into Your will and plans for my life (v. 1:7-12). You've filled me with Your Spirit, marked me with Your seal, and established for me an inheritance in the Kingdom of God (v. 1:13-14).

Truly, I am blessed beyond anything I can fully imagine or even begin to grasp. But help me believe. Help me see my blessings-"every spiritual blessing" that is already mine in Christ. Help me have a right mind, the mind of Christ, and have a good heart, the heart of my Father, thankful for my blessings and not resentful for my challenges. Empower me by the grace You have lavished upon me to live my life before You in love in the ways that honor You most. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, if you are in the Claremore, Oklahoma area, please come join us tonight, June 29 at the Claremore House of Prayer for a time of worship and seeking the Lord's prophetic words of renewal and restoration for this region. We had deeply intimate time of healing and freedom, saturated in the Holy Spirit at our Healing Service at the First United Methodist Church last night. Thank you so much for your prayers for us and our ministry! Please pray for us and come join us whenever you can! Upcoming Messiah Ministries Events with Tommy & Sylvia Hays

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Declare it Boldly" - June 28

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Your name is above every name. And in the power of Your name, I am saved and whole and free. I open up my spirit and speak out Your name, as I begin my day together with You. ...

"Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known the boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly, as I must speak" (Ephesians 6:19-20).

Thank You for those who pray for me-who call on Your name, who stand firm in faith, who expectantly believe You hear our prayers and move in our lives. Thank You for those who have prayed for me in generations past, who never even knew my name, but knew Yours and prayed for the ones who would follow You and declare the mystery of Your gospel and the power of Your name.

And I pray for them as well-that we all may have boldness to speak the truth in love, sharing message of Your mercy and Your words of Spirit and life and hope wherever You send us (v. 4:15). Together, "we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making His appeal through us" (2 Corinthians 5:20). Let us not fear the persecutions of this world or the spiritual battles within or without, but rather proclaim with great boldness the coming of the Kingdom of God in our hearts and in the earth every day. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, if you are in the Tulsa / Claremore, Oklahoma area, please come join us later this week. June 28-29 at the Claremore House of Prayer and a healing service at the First United Methodist Church. Please pray for us and come join us when you can! Upcoming Messiah Ministries Events with Tommy & Sylvia Hays

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Spiritual Battle - June 27

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, fill my spirit, soul, and body with Your peace and Your Presence. ...

"For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).

We are in a battle every day. Some days, we are more aware of the battle than others, but we are always in a battle. It's a spiritual battle. And though the free will of human beings may be involved, though sickness and disease, discouragement and doubt, financial worry and lack may be involved, the heart of the battle is in the spiritual realm behind these things. According to Your Word, these are "spiritual forces of evil" that battle against us.

But the enemy of our souls is defeated by the victory of Your cross. And every day, You call us to battle from the place of Your victory, as we abide in Christ and Christ abides in us. You are our armor, as we embrace the covering and protection of Your name and Your nature: "Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm" (v. 6:13).

We can't win or even begin to fight these battles in our own power or wisdom. But as we stand firm in You and allow You to stand firm in us, we will overcome in Your power and wisdom: "Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet, put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times ..." (v. 6:14-18).

Lord Jesus, You are our Truth, our Righteousness, our Peace, our Faith, our Salvation. You fill us and empower us with Your Spirit, as we are clothed with Christ in Your power from on high (Galatians 3:27). You're all we need to overcome the enemy of our souls in every battle we'll face. "No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors though Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:37-39).

Though the battles may rage and the fighting may be intense, our victory is assured in the overwhelming power of Your mighty love for us and Your abiding Presence always with us. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, the Holy Spirit moved mightily among us during the teaching and equipping for Healing Prayer Ministry at Covenant United Methodist Church in Austin, Texas these past two nights. Thank you for your prayers! Pastor Val Sansing and the prayer leaders have invited us to come teach our Four-Day School of Ministry here in Austin in the near future, for more in depth teaching and equipping. Please check our calendar and come join us if you're able to join us!

If you are in the Tulsa / Claremore, Oklahoma area, please come join us later this week. June 28-29 at the Claremore House of Prayer and a healing service at the First United Methodist Church. Please pray for us and come join us when you can! Upcoming Messiah Ministries Events with Tommy & Sylvia Hays

Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny in Christ!

Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Pray in the Spirit" to "Always Persevere" - June 26

Good morning, Lord Jesus. King of kings and Lord of lords, be King and Lord of my thoughts and desires today. ...

"Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18).

At all times, I want to pray in the Spirit. In every prayer, in every supplication, I want to pray in the Spirit. So I need to be in constant communion with Your Spirit, continually abiding in You and embracing Your abiding in me.

When sin breaks my connection, convict me and lead me to repentance. When discouragement or disappointment break my connection, hold me and remind me You're always with me. When doubt or frustration break my connection, show me Your power to move mountains and make a way where there seems there is no way.

I don't want to pray out of my own thoughts or desires, not out of my own mind or will or emotions. I don't want to pray from my own agenda or impure motives or selfish intent. I want to pray in the Spirit. And as I do, I will "always persevere"-all by the power of Your grace that's always sufficient for me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, Sylvia and I will be teaching on Healing Prayer Ministry in Austin, Texas at Covenant United Methodist, joined by Northwest Hill United Methdodist, June 25-26, 6-9PM each night. Then we'll be ministering in Claremore, Oklahoma June 28-29 at the Claremore House of Prayer and a healing service at the First United Methodist Church. Please pray for us and come join us when you can! Upcoming Messiah Ministries Events with Tommy & Sylvia Hays