Friday, December 21, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 21, 2012 - The Day of the Lord in Our Hearts

Good morning, Lord Jesus. December 21, 2012-Today is the last day on the Mayan Calendar; and today is the day of salvation in our hearts-a good day for salvation for everyone who doesn't yet know the Love and Grace of God our Creator and Father, revealed in Jesus Christ. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. ...

"The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance. But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will dissolved with fire, and the earth and everything that is done on it will be disclosed. Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the Day of God, because of which the heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire? But, in accordance with His promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home. Therefore, beloved, while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by Him at peace, without spot or blemish; and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation" (2 Peter 3:9-15).

One day will be the last day on this earth as we know it. There will be a Day of the Lord (Joel 2:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-10). Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again! (Revelation 1:7-8) There will be a "great and terrible Day of the Lord"-great for those who put their hope and trust in You alone for their salvation and terrible for those who will not (Malachi 4:5). But Your heart is full of mercy and love, not wanting any to perish, but that all would turn to You and call on Your name and embrace the fullness of Your salvation. And all who believe in You will never perish, but will have eternal life (John 3:16).

And You not only want us to go to heaven when we die, You also want heaven in us now (Luke 17:21; Romans 14:17). One day, there will be "a new heaven and a new earth" (Revelation 21:1). But at the same time, we can also experience a new heaven and new earth in our hearts every moment of every day between this day and the Day of the Lord to come. "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).

On the Day of the Lord there will be both mercy and judgment. "For all of us must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil" (2 Corinthians 5:10). And each one of us will need the fullness of Your mercy because all have fallen short of Your glory in our lives on this earth. But we have a Savior who is reaching out today to each one of us who will humble themselves and open their hearts and call on Your name for Your forgiveness of our sins-"that is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them" (2 Corinthians 5:19).

"See, now is the day of salvation!" (2 Corinthians 6:2) "Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, 'Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.... Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you have an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the Living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called 'today,' so that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.... For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who is every respect has been tested, as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 3:7-4:16).

Lord Jesus, I look up to heaven and call on Your name, "for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13). And I call on Your name for everyone on this earth who still needs to know the love and mercy of our God who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ. Let today be the day of their salvation. Let today be a great day of the Lord for them, when all the old things pass away and all things become new-a new heaven and new earth in their heart-the fullness of Your salvation, from the inside out. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My Friend, I join with you in the agreement of prayer for everyone on your heart who needs to know Jesus. May the Holy Spirit of the Living God break into thier circumstances and awaken thier spirit to call on the name of the Lord and be saved. This will probably not be the last day on earth for most of us, but it is the day of salvation -- like every day -- for all of us. God bless you, my friend. Merry Christmas!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 20 - One World Ruler

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, align my spirit, soul, and body with Your word and Your will for my life today. ...

"In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered.... All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the City of David, called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David" (Luke 2:1-4).

Men in power have sought to use their position for their own purposes since the beginning of time. Whether requiring all the world to be registered under the control of a one-world government to establish a new world order, whether requiring all buying and selling to be restricted to those who bear the mark of submission to the regime in power, or other means of global political, religious dominion, there is a spirit at work in the world that wants to exalt itself and rule as the guardian, peace-keeper, and messiah of all mankind (1 John 2:18). It is the counterfeit and opposite of the Spirit of Christ who conceived the Child ordained to be the true Prince of Peace and Ruler of All in the womb Mary, the betrothed of Joseph (Isaiah 9:6).

Yet, Lord, You even use the purposes and plans of men who are trying to build their own kingdoms to assert their own dominion upon the world to advance the purposes of Your eternal kingdom that will not pass away, under the authority of the One who will rule and reign forever (Daniel 7:14; Revelation 1:4-6). "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps" (Proverbs 16:9, NKJ). "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and His Anointed ... (but) He who sits in the heavens laughs... Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth..." (Psalm 2).

You are my King of Glory; You are my Prince of Peace. You are the sovereign Ruler of all the earth who causes all things to work together for good, all in Your time and all in Your plan. No matter what ways I have planned in my heart, I ask You to direct my steps. And no matter what ways the rulers of this world have planned in their hearts, I trust You to see it all and use it all to accomplish Your purposes and advance Your kingdom. I look forward to the day when we hear the heavenly decree, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:15) In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, I pray the Spirit of Christ abiding within you will direct your steps and bring God's great favor upon your life in the power of His grace. Fear not, He is at work in the world, even though the enemy of our souls is at work as well. But our God reigns and one day we will know it was all worth it to live forever in His eternal kingdom of righteousness and peace and joy! Keep the faith, and please pray the same for me. I hope my morning prayer today was not too heavy, but I try to pray it as it comes every morning. God bless you, my friend. Merry Christmas!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 19 - "Filled with the Holy Spirit"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. All the moments of my day are already in Your hands, so I take these first moments of my day to deliberately entrust myself completely to You, as best as I can and all by Your grace. ...

"But the angel said to him, 'Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John ... even before his birth he will be filled with the Holy Spirit' " (Luke 1:13-15).

Even before he could speak with his voice and even before he could draw breath with his lungs, You filled John with Your Holy Spirit. He had never heard the Scripture with his physical ears, still being fashioned and formed in his mother's womb. He had never bowed down at the altar on his physical knees, still being woven and knit together by the hand of God as an unborn child. Yet his human spirit was fully alive and now fully filled with the Spirit of God even before his birth.

This was Your will for John's life to accomplish Your purposes in the people of his generation, in ways he never could apart from the fullness of Your Spirit freely filling him and freely flowing through him. And this is Your will for each one of us in our own generation-to "be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18). This is "from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured out" now in abundance upon the earth, upon all flesh; for "this promise is for (us), for (our) children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to Him" (Acts 2:33-39).

Daddy Abba, my Father God, fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit today. Let me accomplish all You have purposed in Your heart for my day and for my life through the fullness of the Presence and power of Your Spirit. As best as I can and all by Your grace, I want to do my part in my generation. It seems You didn't choose to fill me with Your Spirit in my mother's womb like John, but You've filled me now; so help me not waste another moment of the time I have to fulfill Your purposes through my life, all in Your timing and all in Your way. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My Friend, I pray you will be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit of the Living God today and every day to fulfill your purposes in our generation with the Presence and power of God's Spirit abiding in you. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend. Merry Christmas!

Friends, I was spending time with a family yesterday, when the conversation turned to talking about how our greatest need is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in our hearts. One of the ladies said, "That's what I need." So together we prayed that prayer. Praise God! Thank you for all the ways you pray for me so that I can be led by God's Spirit in the lives He brings across my path every day. I pray the same for you!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 18 - "Do Not Be Afraid" to Trust and Obey

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I seek the heart of my Father, the mind of Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as I start my day in the communion of prayer with my God. ...

"'Joseph, Son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the Child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.' And all this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 'Look the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and they shall name Him Emmanuel,' which means, 'God is with us.' When Joseph awoke from sleep; he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife and had no marital relations with her until she had borne a Son; and he named Him Jesus" (Matthew 1:20-25).

When Your Holy Spirit comes into our lives and starts changing our plans, it's easy, and maybe even natural, to be afraid at first. We start to think of what it would mean and what people would think. We start to wonder whether we have what it takes to do what You say and put our trust in Your will instead of our plans.

But You know our nature. And You love us anyway. So You send Your word in the way You choose to encourage our hearts to do what's best. Sometimes it takes a nudge; sometimes it takes being hit upside the head with a two-by-four. Sometimes it even takes the angel of the Lord speaking to us in our sleep. But You love us enough to speak to our heart in a way we can hear. Then it's up to us, by the power of Your grace, to choose to trust and obey.

Joseph chose to trust and obey. He let You change his plans. Then he had the honor of being the step-father of the Son of God, the Messiah of mankind. Though the Child in the womb of his wife was not his own, Joseph named Him and raised Him for the time entrusted to him to do his part in the unfolding of Your plans for the good of all.

Our fear is often an expression of our selfishness, just as our doubts are often an expression of our faithlessness. But You know our nature. And You love us anyway. You have a plan and purpose, a calling and destiny for each of our lives through every season of our lives. They are good plans to fulfill the hope and dreams You've placed in our hearts (Jeremiah 29:11). And You know we could never have the courage or the wisdom to fulfill them on our own. You know we need a Savior who is not only God watching over us but who is God with us. We need Emmanuel. We need Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, I pray the Lord encourage you in faith as He sends you His word in the ways you can hear to trust and obey His plans for your life. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Monday, December 17, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 17 - Holy Sign of the Virgin Birth

Good morning, Lord Jesus. In these first moments of my morning, I speak out Your name and listen for Your voice. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, I welcome You into my day and trust You with the guidance of my steps. ...

"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call Him Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14, NKJ).

Almost eight hundred years before Your virgin birth from the womb of a virgin girl named Mary, Isaiah prophesied of Your coming as our Messiah (Matthew 1:23). In this holy mystery so hard to fully grasp, the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us as Immanuel-God with us (John 1:14).

The nature of Your birth was a "sign" to all of the nature of our God, a God willing to humble Yourself even into the likeness of human flesh and blood to reveal to us Your great love for us and desire to be near with us. "Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men" (Philippians 2:5-7).

The Holy Spirit entered the womb of Mary to conceive our Savior (Matthew 1:18). And now Your Holy Spirit is a sign to us that You are still with us, the Spirit of Christ within us (Colossians 1:27). Your Holy Spirit, abiding within us, is always reminding us that You are still near to us and always reminding us of Your nature and Your love for us (John 16:14). O Come, Immanuel. We will rejoice that God is with us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, may you be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ today, carrying God with you, abiding within you, everywhere you go. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Friends, thank you for your prayers for us this weekend at Cornerstone Assembly of God in Danville, Kentucky, at our Brokenness to Breakthrough! meetings. Two men came forward to get down on their knees with me to pray for Jesus to come into their hearts for the first time Sunday morning in salvation. And the Holy Spirit moved mightily to bring healng and freedom in many hearts. Praise God! Thank you so much for being a partner in ministry with us through your prayers. I welcome them as I continue in personal prayer ministry appointments this week in Lexington, Kentucky and southern Indiana.

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Friday, December 14, 2012

Helping Us Minister the Healing Love of God through Messiah Ministries

Dear Friends of Tommy Hays & Messiah Ministries,

In this time of year when we join with the family of God throughout the earth to celebrate the birth of this Holy Child who changed our world, we also celebrate all the ways He is still our "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6, fulfilled in Jesus the Christ, our Messiah).

Thank you for joining with me and our ministry team at Messiah Ministries to minister the healing love of God through all the opportunties and encounters the Lord has opened for us to be an expression of His power and grace at home and abroad.

Just in the past few days, I've seen a man on his knees crying out to God with all his heart to be totally devoted to Him and a woman literally jumping for joy after being emptied out of years of bondage and pain. I shouted with joy with the pastor and friends of a little girl set free from a tremendous amount of suffering and pain--all by the mercy and love of our God, who is still healing the brokenhearted and setting the captives free.

Just this fall, we've been able to help teach and equip many believers sensing the call to be used by God in His ministry of inner healing -- healing from the inside out. I was excited to be able to share this message in amazing ways among the pastoral leaders at their clergy schools and reatreats in Texas, West Virginia, and the nation of Estonia. Through our Schools of Ministry in Lexington and Austin, through our emmerging partnership in ministry with Rapha God Ministries and Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, through the men's retreat in North Carolina and the campmeeting for the Feast of Tabernacles in Kentucky and so many churches and encounters along the way, we've seen our God moving mightily in His power and love to heal His people and prepare His bride.

Thank you for being a vital partner with us through all your prayers, encouragement and financial support. And thank you for continuing to join with me personally in my own journey of healing through a heartbreaking time, trusting the grace and redeeming power of our loving God. I'm truly excited and expectant to look and see what the Lord will do in this next season ahead! We know the Lord always uses all we go through to glorify His name if we entrust ourselves to Him and His care.

From Heather Butler who faithfully leads our Intercessory Prayer Team from her home in Wales, from Bob and Doris McCray who tirelessly lead the weekly prayers for Israel, from Susan, Sabrina, Jane, John, Jeffery and Tina, Amy and Gary, Brooke and Shannon, and all who join with us as prayer partners, worship leaders and volunteers, we thank you for helping us fulfill our calling of "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God."

We earnestly invite you to continue to join with us by your prayers and financial support. Your prayer covering is truly essential and your financial support is greatly appreciated, whether monthly or whenever the Holy Spirit moves you to partner with us to share this message and ministry of healing and hope to a hurting generation. We don't charge set fees for ministry, but joyfully welcome your generous contributions to help make this ministry available to all.

Please let me know if you would like me to speak with you personally about our vision and emmerging plans of partnerships in ministry through the Lord's amazing open doors of opportunity in this season ahead. May the Spirit of God fill your heart and home with all the peace and joy of Jesus our Messiah this Christmas season and throughout the New Year to come.

God bless you and Merry Christmas!

In the Love of Jesus,

Tommy Hays

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

Healing from the Inside Out

2800 Tates Creek Rd.

Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Tax-deductible contributions of any amount can be made:

or through to our Account at

Checks, Credit Card or Automatic Contributions can be arranged by contacting Susan Lewis at 859-422-1794 or by mail to:

Messiah Ministries

2800 Tates Creek Rd.

Lexington, Kentucky 40502

You can join our Interactive Intercessory Prayer Team by contacting Heather Butler at

Morning by Morning, December 14 - Shame into Praise

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I seek Your face, call on Your name, and listen for Your voice. ...

"After those days, (Zechariah's) wife Elizabeth conceived, and for five months she remained in seclusion. She said, 'This is what the Lord has done for me when He looked favorably on me and took away the disgrace I endured among my people... Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown His great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her (Luke 1:24-58).

In Your great mercy, You take away our disgrace. In Your favor and grace, You turn our shame into praise. You hear our cry and heal our pain; You empty our sorrows and fill us with Your Spirit when we embrace the encounters of Your Presence (v. 1:41) And then even those who once looked down upon us in our times of struggle that looked like a curse begin to look up to God, rejoicing with us, when they see the blessing and power of Your steadfast love to redeem all things we entrust to You. What a Savior and Messiah You are! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, may the Lord turn every place of struggle and shame into rejoicing and praise! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Please keep us in prayer as our ministry continues to partner with Rapha God Ministries in San Antonio, Texas this week, with teaching and ministry of inner healing -- healing from the inside out ( I'll be back in Kentucky to speak and minister at Cornerstone Assemby of God in Danville, Kentucky, Sunday December 16th in the morning and evening meetings From Brokenness to Breakghrough!

( Please come join us if you can. All are welcome!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 12 - Freed from Doubt, Filled with the Spirit

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Help me start this day and every day embraced by my Father, centered in Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. ...

"Zechariah said to the angel, 'How will I know that this is so? For I am an old man, and my wife is getting on in years.' The angel replied, 'I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. But now, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time, you will become mute, unable to speak, until the day these things occur'" (Luke 1:18-20).

Zechariah's doubt and unbelief didn't nullify the words of God or the good news of the Gospel. Gabriel knew they would "be fulfilled in their time." Just because his message of hope and glad tiding of joy wasn't embraced, Gabriel's confidence of who he was in the eyes of God as one who stands in the presence of God was not shaken by someone else's lack of faith.

But while Gabriel knew Zechariah's promises from God would be fulfilled, he also knew that there would be a season of suffering for Zechariah, as he suffered the consequences of his choices to question the words of God spoken personally to him. Zechariah's questioning of his worthiness to be blessed by God was not seen by God as humility, but rather as the sin of doubt and unbelief. So instead of living those next nine months shouting the praises of God with expectant faith from a heart of joy at the astounding goodness of God, he wouldn't be able to speak at all.

Yet even then, You didn't leave him nor forsake him. You didn't turn Your back on him or cancel Your promises for him. You let the consequences of Zechariah's choices have their work in his heart. And somewhere along the way, Zechariah had a change of heart. Somewhere along the way, he chose to believe the words and the promises of God. And when the day came for the promises to be fulfilled, just as You had said, he spoke his first words with a depth of faith that had been fashioned and formed through the consequences of his suffering (v. 1:59-66). Now, where there had been the spirit of unbelief, Zechariah was freed from doubt and "filled with the Holy Spirit," as he began to boldly declare Your message of hope and good news of the Gospel (v. 1:67-79).

Father, forgive me for my sins of doubt and unbelief. Forgive me for doubting the promises of God, of focusing too much on how undeserving and unworthy I am instead of how merciful and mighty You are. Forgive me for every way and every day I waste by not living with expectant faith with great anticipation and joy of the fulfillment of Your promises to me. Deliver me from evil, free me from doubt, and fill me with Your Spirit. And let my words and the message of my life be a bold declaration of praise to You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, I pray you will be freed from doubt and unbelef, joyfully embrace all of God's promises to you, and be filled with the Holy Spirit of God today. May your life, despite all your challenging circumstances, be a bold declaration of praise to our God. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Please keep us in prayer as our ministry continues to partner with Rapha God Ministries in San Antonio, Texas this week, with teaching and ministry of inner healing -- healing from the inside out ( I'll be back in Kentucky to speak and minister at Cornerstone Assemby of God in Danville, Kentucky, Sunday December 16th in the morning and evening meetings ( Please come join us if you can. All are welcome!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 11 - "A People Prepared for the Lord"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I watch to see what You're doing and listen to hear what You're saying, as I begin this day in the communion of prayer. ...

"But the angel said to him, 'Do not be afraid Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He must never drink wine or strong drink; even before his birth he will be filled with the Holy Spirit. He will turn many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. With the spirit and power of Elijah, he will go before Him, to turn the hearts of parents to their children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord' " (Luke 1:13-17).

People speak of the spirit of Christmas in the air-festive music, colorful decorations, indulgent deserts and parties, and no room at the inn or the parking lot in front of the mall. But there's another Spirit in air, who wants to be the Spirit in our hearts "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

Christmas is a day on the calendar, but the Spirit who comes to make room in our hearts for the coming of Christ is with us always-always lifting our eyes to Jesus, always opening our hearts to the One who comes to save us from our sins and save us for a life that honors our God and displays His love and grace on every day of the calendar of our lives (John 16:14). That's the Spirit who filled the heart of John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, to prepare the way of the Lord "with the spirit and power of Elijah." And that's the same Spirit who still longs to fill the hearts of all who will make room for the Lord in their lives today. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, I pray you will be filled with the Holy Spirit of God today, that you will be one who's heart is prepared for the Lord to live and love through you in the spirit and power of Elijah. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Please keep us in prayer as our ministry continues to partner with Rapha God Ministries in San Antonio, Texas this week, with teaching and ministry of inner healing -- healing from the inside out ( I'll be back in Kentucky to speak and minister at Cornerstone Assemby of God in Danville, Kentucky, Sunday December 16th in the morning and evening meetings ( Please come join us if you can. All are welcome!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Monday, December 10, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 10 - Favored One of God

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Your name be high and lifted up over my thoughts and words and choices today. ...

"In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her said, 'Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you'" (Luke 1:26-28).

Father, You sent Your angel and You sent Your word to Mary. You wanted her to know that she was favored, that You were with her, that You had a plan and purpose for her life. You wanted her to know her identity and fulfill her destiny.

At first she was perplexed and afraid (v. 1:29-30). And You didn't tell her all at once all that would be involved and all that would be required. You didn't tell her all the heights of joy she'd experience, nor the depths of heartbreak she'd endure. But in the power of Your grace You gave her the faith to say, "Yes, Lord. 'Here am I, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to Your word' " (v. 1:48).

Each one of us who are called by Your name, who have Your Word and Your Spirit in our hearts, are Your favored ones. You are with us. And if we will simply say, "Yes, Lord," by the power of Your grace, we will find our identity and fulfill our destiny in Christ.

We may not literally see an angel in our bedroom or literally carry the Messiah in our womb, but we can know that You are with us and we can trust that You will show us the next step on the path of our journey of faith. If we discern clearly and follow obediently, You will bless our faith. And even if we don't discern clearly and move mistakenly, You will still bless our faith when we turn back to You, for You even redeem our missteps and cause good to come out of all things we entrust to You in our relationship of love and faith (Romans 8:28).

There will be more joy than we could ever hope to imagine and perhaps even more pain that we could ever expect to endure, but if we will be found faithful, through the mercy of Your grace and the power of Your love, we will one day look back and say, "It was worth it all to say Yes to God" (2 Corinthians 4:17). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, may you know in your spirit and never doubt by your circumstances that you are a favored one of God. May you know your identity and fulfill your destiny in Christ, as you say, "Yes, Lord." Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Amazing Opportunity of Ministry this Weekend!

Friends, through our ministy's relationship with Rapha God Ministries and Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, I was very honored to get to lay on hands and pray blessings for each singer and team member for The Story Christmas Celebration Tour during the prayers and devotion time before the concert in San Antonio Saturday Night (Nicole Nordeman, Jeremy Camp, Natalie Grant, Mark Hall and Castting Crowns, Amy Perry and Selah, Matthew West and all of the team). The message and ministry of The Story was deeply moving and powerful! (

Please keep us in prayer as our ministry continues to partner with Rapha God Ministries in San Antonio, Texas this week, with teaching and ministry of inner healing -- healing from the inside out ( I'll be back in Kentucky to speak and minister at Cornerstone Assemby of God in Danville, Kentucky, Sunday December 16th in morning and evening services ( Please come join us if you can. All are welcome!

Friends, as you are led by God's Spirit, please remember Messiah Ministries in your Christmas and Year End Giving to help us continue to fulfill our calling of "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God" at home and abroad. I'm so grateful for all your encouragment and support; and I do pray the Lord has used our ministry to be an encouragement and blessing to you. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 6 - "Guided by the Spirit"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Put Your thoughts in my mind and Your desires in my heart, as You align the way I think and the way I choose with the way You are. ...

"Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents brought the Child Jesus, to do for Him what was customary under the law, Simeon took Him in his arms and praised God, saying, 'Master, now You are dismissing Your servant in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to Your people Israel' " (Luke 2:27-32).

No human told Simeon that this little Baby was the Messiah. And though Simeon obviously had great faith and a righteous heart, though he spent much time at the temple and no doubt knew his Scriptures well, it was by the guiding of the Spirit that he encountered the Christ Child. It was by the guiding of the Spirit that his eyes were opened to see that this was the One, chosen by God, to be the Light to the nations from the land of Israel (Isaiah 9:1-7).

Holy Spirit, guide me. Lead me to the places and people where I am to encounter Christ today. Open the eyes of my heart to see You at work in my life, fulfilling every word You've spoken to my heart. Like Simeon, even if I grow to be an old man, let me never lose hope that You are the One who will be faithful to bring all Your plans and purposes to pass, just as You have said. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, may the Holy Spirit guide your heart and open your eyes to see Jesus Christ, the Messiah of God, in all the encounters the Lord plans for you today. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

An Exciting Answer to Prayer Yesterday!

We were moved by the Spirit to pray for a little girl who's been in much pain for several years with pancreatitis. Her Children's Pastor was almost without words trying to share the great news that the little girl fell asleep about that time and woke up later with almost no pain at all for the first time in a very long time. The doctors and nurses were all rushing to see and declaring a miracle had happened. Praise God! Healing and miracles are such mystery that we don't always understand when they happen and when they don't, but we can shout the high praises of God, rejoicing in Him, whenever they do! There's power in the name of Jesus!

Please keep us in prayer as our ministry continues to partner with Rapha God Ministries in San Antonio, Texas this week, with teaching and ministry of inner healing -- healing from the inside out ( I'll be back in Kentucky to speak and minister at Cornerstone Assemby of God in Danville, Kentucky, Sunday December 16th in morning and evening services ( Please come join us if you can. All are welcome!

Friends, as you are led by God's Spirit, please remember Messiah Ministries in your Christmas and Year End Giving to help us continue to fulfill our calling of "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God" at home and abroad. I'm so grateful for all your encouragment and support; and I do pray the Lord has used our ministry to be an encouragement and blessing to you. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Morning by Morning - December 5 - Expectant Hope for Christ's Coming

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I look to You - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and welcome You into every moment of my day and every area of my life. ...

"Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; this man was righteous and devout, looking forward to the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Messiah" (Luke 2:25-26).

Holy Spirit of God, You rested upon Simeon and stirred within his spirit to look forward to the coming of the Messiah. As he grew older with each day, he believed by faith he grew closer to the day Messiah would come.

No doubt, Simeon travailed in prayer and longed in his heart for the coming of the One who would comfort his people and fulfill all that had been revealed to him. I'm sure he was expectant in his anticipation, like little children waiting for Christmas morning.

Come, Holy Spirit. Rest upon me and stir up within me that same expectant hope and trusting faith for the coming of Messiah that moved the heart of Simeon. Christ has died; Christ has risen; and Christ will come again. I long to see the One "who is and who was and who is to come" (Revelation 1:8).

One day, Lord Jesus, You will come again as the Messiah of Israel and all the world for all the world to see (1 Thessalonians 4:16). And every day between this day and that one, You want to come into our hearts, by the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us (Romans 8:9). Like those You led to long for Your coming at the first Christmas, I long for Your coming this Christmas and every day that it represents. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, may the Holy Spirit of God fill your heart with a longing hope and expectant faith for the coming of Christ every day. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Friends, as you are led by God's Spirit, please remember Messiah Ministries in your Christmas and Year End Giving to help us continue to fulfill our calling of "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God" at home and abroad. I'm so grateful for all your encouragment and support; and I do pray the Lord has used our ministry to be an encouragement and blessing to you. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Merry Christmas from Tommy Hays & Messiah Ministries

"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given;
and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" --Isaiah 9:6

Dear Friend,

Merry Christmas from All of Us at Messiah Ministries!

May the Spirit of Christmas fill your heart with hope, draw you near in peace, and rest upon you with favor. The Spirit of Christmas is the Spirit of Christ within each one us, reaching out in love through us to touch the lives of those around us with the Love of God revealed in Jesus our Messiah. Thank you for touching me and so many through your life and the life of Christ within you, my friend.

In the Love of Jesus,

Tommy Hays

Christmas 2012

Tommy Hays | Messiah Minsitries

Healing from the Inside Out

2800 Tates Creek Rd.

Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Monday, December 03, 2012

Morning by Morning, December 3 - "Prepare Him Room"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Let my heart prepare You room. ...

"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare His ways, to give knowledge of salvation to His people by the forgiveness of their sins. By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace" (Luke 1:76-79).

Lord, Jesus, You are joy to the world. And our world needs the joy of Your salvation-the joy of Your forgiveness and healing and freedom that only comes by the tender mercy of our God through the power of Your grace.

We all need the dawn of Your salvation to break from on high into our hearts and fill us afresh with the joy of life in You. And where we're feeling weary or worried, discouraged or depressed, alone or afraid, we need Your Spirit to come breaking in like the dawn of a new day to "restore unto (us) the joy of (our) salvation" (Psalm 51:12). Lift us up out of the darkness; call us forth out of the shadows; and guide our feet into the way of peace.

This is the season of advent-to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, to prepare for the coming of the One who is our joy and our peace. As that classic Christmas hymn proclaims in Joy to the World, "Let every heart prepare Him room." In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, may the Holy Spirit of God prepare room for the fullness of Christ and all the peace and joy of our Savior in your heart during this Advent season. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

As you are led by God's Spirit, please remember Messiah Ministries in your Christmas and Year End Giving to help us continue to fulfill our calling of "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God" at home and abroad. I'm so grateful for all your encouragment and support; and I do pray the Lord has used our ministry to be an encouragement and blessing to you. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Morning by Morning, November 29 - Deliberate

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Draw me into the deep place of communion in prayer, as I begin my day deliberately with You. ...

"When the days drew near for Him to be taken up, (Jesus) set His face to go to Jerusalem" (Luke 9:51).

The word "deliberate" keeps coming to me this morning. ...

It seems You're calling me to a deeper place of deliberate focus and deliberate actions. And looking to You as my example, You were very deliberate in getting away with the Father in prayer and then very deliberate in coming out of place of prayer and into the place of authority in obedience to all You saw the Father doing and all You heard the Father saying (John 5:19).

You were able to set Your face with deliberate resolution toward the place of the next assignment the Father had for You. Yet You very sensitive the leading of the Holy Spirit in the moment by moment steps of ministry along the way (Acts 10:38).

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - Help me be deliberate today. Help me set my face toward Your plans and purposes for my life today. Keep me in the deep place of communion in prayer with You - moment by moment throughout my day, because You've drawn me near to deliberately focus on You morning by morning at the start of my day. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Friends, I pray the Holy Spirit of our Living God will draw you into the deep place of communion of prayer, so you can deliberately set your face to be about our Father's business today. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Morning by Morning, November 11 - Confronting Compromise
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I lift up my eyes and open up my heart, as I watch and watch for the leading of Your Spirit. ...
"Woe to the world because of stumbling blocks! Occasions for stumbling are bound to come, but woe to the one by whom the stumbling block comes! If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for to enter life maimed or lame than to have two hands or two feet and to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to stumble, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into the hell of fire" (Matthew 18:7-9).
Lord, You are serious about confronting compromise in the world. And You call us to be serious about confronting compromise within ourselves.
Your Word and Your Spirit have that way of always leading us to look at ourselves first, before looking to others and to the world around us to identify the stumbling blocks on our journey in the pursuit of happiness. You didn't say, "If your neighbor's eye offend thee, pluck it out!" Rather, You said, "If your own eye causes you to stumble, tear it out."
Those were bold and dramatic words to express Your bold and dramatic point of just how seriously You take the issue of confronting compromise, shunning temptation, and courageously addressing the true issues that threaten our destruction. This is true, whether in our personal lives, our nation, or any other aspect of our lives.
Woe to the world that does not heed the voice of Your Word and Your Spirit, but no less is the warning of woe to the one who is not willing to boldly confront the tendency to compromise within. How need Your power and Your grace, working within us by Your Spirit, to enter into life that honors You (Philippians 2:13). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
Friends, I pray that by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit of our loving God, you will stand firm in the face of every temptation to compromise with the principles of the Kingdom of God. I pray the same for our nation. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend.
Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
2800 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502