Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wise and Ready 3-11-09

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Live in my heart and lead in my life. … "Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps" (Matthew 25:1-4). Father God, You have poured out Your Holy Spirit to prepare a holy bride for Your coming Son. As the people of the church of Christ and the kingdom of heaven, we are to be that pure, spotless bride -- radiant and glorious, passionate and pure (Ephesians 5:27). At the same time, we a like the friends of the bridegroom, looking forward to the day of the coming of Christ and preparing the way of the Lord (John 3:29). And also, we are like the bridesmaids watching and waiting, longing for the day the "bride has made herself ready … clothed with fine linen, bright and pure" for "the marriage of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:7-8). But of the ten bridesmaids, only five were prepared to greet the bridegroom and enter in to celebrate the joy of the wedding feast (Matthew 25:10). All ten went out to meet the coming bridegroom. All ten were looking forward to the coming day of celebration. All began on the journey together and all had a measure of oil in the lamps to burn through the long watches of the night, through the times of weariness and slumber, until the darkest time of the midnight hour (v. 25:4-7). But when the shout rang out, "Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!", only five were found to be "wise"; only five were found to be "ready" (v. 25:10). At the beginning of the journey and throughout the long wait for the bridegroom to come, outwardly they all appeared to be the same, outwardly they all appeared to be ready, both the wise and the foolish. "Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds" (Matthew 11:19). It was at the midnight hour, in the times of deepest darkness, heaviness of spirit, and weariness of soul that the bridegroom came. That's when it was revealed who was ready and who was not, who was wise and who was foolish, who had prepared the way of the Lord and who had just come along for the ride. They were wise who had taken the time to fill their vessels with oil (v. 25:4). "Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Do not be drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, as you sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:15-20). Lord, fill my vessel with the oil of Your Holy Spirit. Surround me with people who are hungry and thirsty for more of You, worshipping You in Spirit and truth, thankful for our blessings through the darkness and delays. Give me the wisdom to be ready for Your coming, "filled with the Spirit", having prepared the way of the Lord in the earth and in my heart (Ephesians 5:18). Some will think they have. Some will think they're ready. But many will be heartbroken to find they are empty of Your Spirit when they hear Your haunting words, "Truly I tell you, I do not know you" (Matthew 25:12). Some will think they have done enough good works of religion, even under Your name, to earn the right to live forever with You. But many will be convicted of their failure to have committed to a living and personal relationship with You when they hear Your horrible words, "I never knew you; go away from Me; you evildoers" (Matthew 7:23). By Your grace, I want to be ready to enter "into the wedding banquet" (v. 25:10). I want to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. And I want to be anointed and empowered by Your Spirit to help prepare the way of the Lord in as many hearts as are willing to hear Your call to fill our vessels with oil and be ready. I want to be wise and ready -- before it's too late. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays Friends, I'm excited to be the Keynote Speaker at the annual Lay Witness Mission retreat at St. Simon's Island, Georgia this coming weekend ( Lay Witness Mission ). I'll be preaching four times to encourage law witnesses from across the United Methodist Church and other denominations and traditions in their ministry of evangelism, and I would appreciate your prayers for us. I know I'll be inspired by their stories of God's glory, love, and power. And I pray they'll be inspired by mine. Find out more about having LWM teams come to your church through Aldersgate Renewal Ministries ( ). God bless you! Do you know any women on the front lines of ministry who need the encouragement, renewal, or Sabbath rest? Consider inviting them to attend a day retreat of spiritual refreshment for women of faith led by Laura Beach, Equipping Lydia in association with Messiah Ministries. The testimonies that have come from past retreats have been rich with the Lord’s healing and restoration. The next open retreat dates are March 23 or 24 in Bryantsville, Kentucky, 30 minutes from Lexington. For more information, email . Subscribe by email to me at Messiah Ministries -- -- "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God" 2800 Tates Creek Rd; Lexington, KY 40502 Order our Ministry Resources or Contribute to our vision and calling to the Kingdom of God through Messiah Ministries On-line at