Monday, June 18, 2018

Morning by Morning, June 18 - Dedication, Dependence, and Discernment
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God -- I draw near to You in my prayers as You draw to me in Your presence.  ...
"And the Lord took note of Hannah; she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. And the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.... Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the Lord and with the people.... Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, 'Samuel! Samuel!' And Samuel said, 'Speak, for your servant is listening'" (1 Samuel 2:21-3:10).
Samuel's mother dedicated him and all the days of his life to You. And dedication grew into dependence and discernment. As he grew in stature, he grew in favor. As he grew in favor, he grew in the intimacy of his relationship with You and his dependence upon You until he was able to discern Your voice beyond anyone else's. Then from that place of intimacy and discernment and dependence, You empowered him for ministry. "As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Fan to Beer-sheba knew that Samuel was a trustworthy prophet of the Lord" (1 Samuel 3:19-20).
Father God, I thank You for a mother who dedicated me to You and I thank You for all who have loved me and prayed for me to grow in spiritual stature from dedication to dependence and discernment and favor and intimacy and ministry. Help me keep growing. Help me "grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). Help me never stop growing in "the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13).
As best as I can and all by Your grace, in humility and faith, I willingly choose to dedicate my life completely to You, in desperate dependence upon You alone. I surrender all. Apart from You, I can do nothing (John 15:5). But in the intimacy and favor of God growing in me -- as I daily abide in You and You abide in me -- I embrace the promise of Your Word that my life will "bear much fruit" (John 15:1-5). Thank You for the promise of Your Word:  "I have said these things to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete" (John 15:11). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray you keep growing in spiritual stature by the grace of God at work in you in dedication, dependence, and discernment, that your life will bear much fruit to the glory of God so that your joy may be made complete, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 


Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Morning by Morning, June 15 - "Well Known to God"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Be at the center of my heart and every moment of my day.  ... 

"Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we try to persuade others; but we ourselves are well known to God, and I hope that we are also well known to your consciences.... For the love of Christ urges us on, because we are convinced that one has died for all; therefore all have died. And He died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died and was raised for them" (2 Corinthians 5:11-15). 

We are "well known to God." And You know well the plans You have for me and each one of Your children (Jeremiah 29:11).  ... 

My Father, You know all about me. You've created me and saved me. You've loved me and corrected me. You've called me and anointed me, encouraged me and inspired me, equipped me and empowered me. You always go before me and You're always with me. You know every hair on my head and every hurt in my heart. You know every step that I'll take and every misstep I've taken. And yet You love me with "an everlasting love" (Isaiah 54:8). 

The Bible says there came a time when "the Lord was sorry that He had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart" (Genesis 6:6). I know I've grieved You to Your heart at times. I wonder if You were ever sorry You made me.  ... 

But even as I write those words here in my journal, I immediately hear You speaking to my heart. It seems I hear You saying: "No, My son. I chose to create you and never forsake you, even as I have chosen each one of My children. You are created in My image, but destined to struggle through your issues on your spiritual journey to maturity in Me. When you stumble and fall, when you falter or fail, I still love you and help you and even cause you to become more desperately dependent upon Me so that I can display My glory more completely through you. This is My way. This is My will -- that My children learn to trust Me and love Me and know My love for them on their journey to learn to love in the time they have on this earth." 

Yes, Lord. "For this is the will of God, (my) sanctification" (1 Thessalonians 4:3). You desire that I would "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of (my) mind, so that (I) may discern what is the will of God -- what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2).  

Though humankind grieved You, at the same time "Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord" (Genesis 6:8). And by the power of Your grace through sacrifice of Christ, we are Your children who find favor in Your sight, despite all our sins and failures and all that grieves Your heart with us. "If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation:  everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and has given us this ministry  of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us" (2 Corinthians 5:17-19). In Christ, we are the message -- through our changes hearts and changed lives by the power of the grace of God at work within us! "So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making Hi appeal through us" (2 Corinthians 5:20). 

You want to bring me to the place here in my heart and soul where I am free to no longer live for myself, but live for You (2 Corinthians 5:15). And in living for You and allowing You to live in me, I am becoming more like You. "Anyone united to the Lord becomes one Spirit with Him" (1 Corinthians 6:17). This is the way of life and the will of God You've chosen for me and every one of us. "God sent His only Son into the world so that we might live through Him" (1 John 4:9). "As He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). Lord, in desperate dependence upon You alone -- upon the One who knows me well -- make me more like You today, as I learn to love more like You today. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray you know how much God loves you and longs to live through you, making you more like Jesus as you learn to love more like Him each day, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 


Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Morning by Morning, June 14 - Loyalty and Love - "The Bride has Made Herself Ready!"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are One with the Father and One with the Holy Spirit. Be One within me and make me more like You today.  ... 

"I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go" (Song of Songs 3:4). "Let us rejoice and be glad ... His bride has made herself ready! (Revelation 10:7) 

We just returned from my oldest daughter's wedding. I had the great joy of walking her down the aisle and the great honor of leading her and her beloved in their wedding vows. I believe You led me to share and pray from this passionate, romantic love story in the heart of the Bible from the Song of Songs. Truly Elizabeth and Sergey found the one their soul loves. They found love and Love found them. And from the first flicker of a flame in their high school romance a dozen years ago, "with one glance of (her) eyes" she had "ravished (his) heart!" and his heart never stopped burning for her (v. 4:9).

They wanted a simple but spiritual wedding at her aunt and uncle's mountain home in the Smoky Mountains of eastern Tennessee, with mostly family and a few of their closest friends to mark and seal this sacred moment. And at times the emotions of their hearts almost overwhelmed the capacity of their voices to speak the solemn words of loyalty and love. But with pure hearts, surrendered to God and one another, they entrusted themselves to the sacred journey of learning to "love one another deeply from the heart" all the days of their lives (1 Peter 1:22). 

Their covenant of love is to be a picture of Your covenant of love with us and ours with You (Ephesians 5:32). It's to be an "everlasting covenant" sealed by the promises and empowered by the grace of our "everlasting God" (Genesis 9:16; Isaiah 40:28). You are our Bridegroom and we are Your bride (Ephesians 5:25; Revelation 22:17). And just as we celebrated the joy of this beautiful bride and her bridegroom, we long for the day all heaven and earth will proclaim, "Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory. For the wedding day of the Lamb has come, His bride has made herself ready!" (Revelation 19:7 NAB)  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray you know in your heart that with one glance of your eyes you ravish the heart of your Beloved and He loves you with an everlasting love, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 

Friends, please join with us in your prayers for Elizabeth and Sergey Shutt as they begin their journey of loyalty and love together as husband and wife!

Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Morning by Morning, June 5 - The Treasure of "Infinite Value"
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Be at the center of all I am and all I do.  ...
"I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with Him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God's way of making us right with Himself depends on faith. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead. I want to suffer with Him, sharing in His death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead.... Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things" (Philippians 3:7-15 NLT).
Come, Holy Spirit. Bring me to the place in my heart where knowing Christ is the most important thing in my life. Bring me to the place in my heart where I see every struggle of suffering, every disappointment or delay, every failure when I stumble or fall, everything I experience during this small sliver of time of my journey while I'm on this earth in the flesh, as a opportunity to grow in spiritual maturity to become "one with (Christ)." 
Let this be the treasure I seek above all else. This is the treasure of "infinite value" - "the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." I admit, I'm not there yet. Like the apostle Paul, "I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things... but I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.... I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling (me)" (Philippians 3:12-14). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray the Holy Spirit stirs in your spirit to pursue the treasure of infinity -- knowing Jesus and experiencing His Presence and power in your life as you are becoming one with Him, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 


Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!

Friday, June 01, 2018

Morning by Morning, June 1 - My Lamp Full of Oil with a Burning Flame
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Good Shepherd, I'm listening.  ...
"Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps" (Matthew 25:1-4).
My Father God, I thank You for Your Word. "Your Word is a Lamp to my feet and a Light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). And I thank You for the oil of Your Spirit, the Anointing of the Presence of God. "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor" (Luke 4:18; Isaiah 61:1-2). With Your Word and Your Spirit in our hearts, we are the body of Christ here in our world. "It is God who establishes with (one another) in Christ and has anointed us, by putting His seal on us and giving us His Spirit in our hearts as a first installment" (2 Corinthians 1:21).
And at the same time, I want to be wise with all You've entrusted to me. I don't want to settle for the level oil of Your Holy Spirit I began with in my lamp of Your Word in my heart. I want more -- more of You, more of Your Spirit, more of Your Presence, more of Your heart, more of Your nature, more of Your anointing of Your power and Your love flowing more freely through my life. I want to be being filled with Your Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). I want "a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over!" (Luke 6:38)
So keep making me hungry and thirsty for more. Thank You for the promise of Your Word: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Matthew 5:6). I want to be one who is filled -- filled up and ready for Your coming, ready to embrace You with my lamp full and my flame burning (Matthew 25:10). May You "fan into flame" the Gift of God within me (2 Timothy 1:6).
One day You'll come again in Your glory in the clouds (1Thessalonians 4:16; Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11-16). And at the same time, I hunger and thirst for You to come in Your glory here in my heart right now and every moment between this day and that day to come. "Christ in (me), the hope of glory!" (Colossians 1:27)  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray your lamp is full with a burning flame, with God's Word and God's Spirit, flowing freeing in you and through you, always hungering and thirsting for more, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 


Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Morning by Morning, May 31 - Fire of God, Fall Afresh on Me!
Good morning, Lord Jesus. O Lord, my God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God -- stir in my spirit with a passion for Your Presence, as I entrust my life and my day completely to You.  ...
"So Ahab sent to all the Israelites, and assembled the prophets at Mount Carmel. Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, 'How long will you go limping with two different opinions? ... Let two bulls be given to us; let them choose one bull for themselves, cut it pieces, and lay it on the wood, but put no fire to it; I will prepare the other bull and lay it on the wood, but put no fire to it. Then you call on the name of your god and I will call on the name of the Lord; the God who answers by fire is indeed God.' All the people answered, 'Well spoken!' ... As midday passed, (the prophets of Baal) raved on until the time of the offering of the oblation, but there was no voice, no answer, and no response.... At the time of the offering of the oblation, the prophet Elijah came near and said, 'O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel, that I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your bidding. Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so that this people may know that You, O Lord, are God, and that You have turned their hearts back!' Then the Fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering, the wood, the stones, and the dust, and even licked up the water that was in the trench. When all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, 'The Lord indeed is God! The Lord indeed is God!'" (1 Kings 18:20-39)
Holy Fire, fall on me! I offer afresh my life as my sacrifice (Romans 12:1).  I don't' want to be one limping between the ways of this world and the Word of God, between the gods of this age and the God of the Word. I don't want to compromise or be complacent, double-minded to question the authority of Your Word or wavering to doubt the power of Your Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the "baals" that would seek to take Your place in my heart and Your authority over my life. And I command them, "Go now, away from me and out of my life, in the mighty name of Jesus and by the power of the Blood of the Lamb!" (Mark 16:17; James 4:7; Revelation 12:11) Come fill me afresh and overflowing with Your Presence and Your power! (Ephesians 5:18; Acts 1:4-8)
Come, Holy Spirit! Consume my offering in the Fire of Your Spirit! Burn out of me all that is not yet like You. Purify me and sanctify me--wholly, completely, entirely -- in my spirit and soul and body, that I may be sound and blameless at the coming of my Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Thessalonians 5:23) You indeed are God! You indeed are God! You are the God who answers by Fire! Let Your Holy Fire fall! Fall on me and everything around me!  ...
Even as I pray now, I praise You and worship You in spirit and truth (John 4:23). I praise You in the Spirit and "pray in the Spirit" in "holy faith" (Jude 20). I pray by Your Spirit stirring in my spirit "with sighs too deep for words!" (Romans 8:26) "For indeed our God is a consuming Fire" consuming me right now! (Hebrews 12:29) ...
O Lord, my God, keep on consuming me so that the Fire down in my soul is forever fanned into flame and never burns out! (2 Timothy 1:6; Leviticus 6:12; Matthew 25:1-13) In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray the Holy Fire of God falls afresh on you today and every day, fanning into flame the Fire of the Lord hat will never burn out, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 


Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Morning by Morning, May 30 - Awakening Desire to Pursue Holiness of Heart and Life
Good morning, Lord Jesus. King of kings and Lord of lords, be King of my heart and Lord of my life, this day and every day. ...
"Then I heard Him speaking to me from the temple, while a man stood beside me. And He said to me, 'Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever. No more shall the house of Israel defile My holy name, they nor their kings, by their harlotry or with the carcasses of their kings on their high places. When they set their threshold by My threshold, and their doorpost by My doorpost, with a wall between them and Me, they defiled My holy name by the abominations which they committed; therefore I have consumed them in My anger. Now let them put their harlotry and the carcasses of their kings far away from Me, and I will dwell in their midst forever" (Ezekiel 43:6-9 NKJV).
Your heart is to dwell in our midst forever. In Christ, our heart of Your dwelling place and our body is Your temple (2 Corinthians 3:16). Your Father heart of God longs to have fellowship and intimacy with us. From the beginning You've created us to walk with You in the cool of the day and the garden of Your Presence, but so often our sin and shame, our rebellion and regrets, our compromises and complacency, separate us from hearing Your voice and knowing Your heart and embracing Your love (Genesis 3:8). So often we build our own thresholds and set up our own doorposts by insisting on our own will and our own ways according to what seems right in our own eyes to cover up and displace what is holy and right and pure. That breaks Your heart and sets a wall between us, defiling Your name and our spirits and the intimacy and purity of our relationship with You.
So come, Holy Spirit, in Your purifying, Holy Fire. Burn out of me all that would separate me from You. Refiner's Fire, restore within me a passion to pursue holiness of heart and life and awaken within me an unrelenting desire for Your Presence with no wall between us. Give me a spirit of repentance to keep turning to You and yielding to You with all my heart and mind and soul and strength. "For He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap; He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, until they present offerings to the Lord in righteousness. Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years.... For I the Lord do not change.... Return to Me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts" (Malachi 3:2-7).
I thank You that in Christ, I am forgiven and free, cleansed from all unrighteousness through the Blood of the Lamb (1 John 1:9). I thank You that "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). And I thank, Lord Jesus, that You who knew no sin were willing to be made sin as my sacrifice for every sin and separation from the Presence of God so that I "might become the righteousness of God" through You and Your grace for me (2 Corinthians 5:12). 
But at the same time, I want to truly desire true holiness of heart and life, "the holiness without which no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). I want to truly desire to "pursue righteousness" (1 Timothy 6:11). "Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life and honor" (Proverbs 21:21). "The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but He loves the one who pursues righteousness" (Proverbs 15:9). 
So keeping putting Your thoughts in my mind and Your desires in my heart, giving me the desire and the power to live my life pursuing Your heart and Your nature (Philippians 2:13). For that is the very purpose of every experience and encounter of my life in this little sliver of time and opportunity I have on this side of heaven, as You make me more like You each day (Romans 8:29). By the power of Your grace, may I "live for the rest of (my) earthly life no longer by human desires but by the will of God" (1 Peter 4:1-2). "For this is the will of God, (my) sanctification" (1 Thessalonians 4:3). "Love has been perfected among us in this:  that we may have boldness on the day of judgment, because as He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, I pray you are given an awakening desire to pursue holiness of heart and life, passionately pursuing the Presence of the Lord and His righteousness in your heart, all by the power of the grace of God at work within you to make you more like Jesus each day, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend! 


Tommy Hays' 365 Day Prayer Devotional
Morning by Morning, 2nd Edition
"A Deeply Intimate Journey with Jesus"


Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Please share this word to encourage a friend!