Morning by Morning,
December 5 - More Like You
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I worship and adore You. I
choose to live this day for You -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ...
I hear Your Spirit writing a new song of surrender and
praise in my spirit this morning. ...
I worship and adore
I long to live for
Give me Your heart
I welcome and
embrace You
I look up and praise
More of Your heart
Make me more like
In all I say and do
O give me Your heart
Yes, Lord. Make me more like You today -- more and more
every day. Just as Your Word promises You long to do in me and every one of
Your children: “For God knew His people in
advance, and He chose them to become like His Son, so that His Son would be the
firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And having chosen them, He called
them to come to Him. And having called them, He gave them right standing with
Himself. And having given them right standing, He gave them His glory” (Romans
8:29-30 NLT). In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
May you be more like the Jesus today, by the power of His grace and love at work within you to give you more and more of His heart every day, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257
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