Morning by Morning, June 24 - "Confident of Better Things"
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in my heart and my life and every moment of my day. ...
"Beloved, we are confident of better things in your case, things that belong to salvation. For God is not unjust; He will not overlook your work and the love that you showed for His sake in serving the saints, as you still do. And we want each one of you to show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope to the very end, so that you may not become sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises" (Hebrews 6:9-12).
Even with all that going on in the bitter days of our world right now, we can be "confident of better things" to come. Even when it seems our world is being tossed to and fro on the seas and ready crash hard on the rocks, You steady our hearts with Your "full assurance of hope to the very end."
You don't "overlook" us; You see us. You're not ignoring us; You're at work within us. You see our work; You know our love; You remind us to remember that You're the One who is at work within us and the One who loves through us by Your Spirit to be "imitators" of You.
Looking to You, taking hold of You, letting You take hold of us, we find our security and strength to withstand the turmoil and turbulence of our days. "We who have taken refuge (in You are) strongly encouraged to seize the hope set before us. We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters the inner shrine behind the curtain, where Jesus, a Forerunner on our behalf, has entered..." (from Hebrews 6:17-20).
By the power of Your grace, I choose to "seize the hope" that is set before me today. I "seize" the One who is my Hope, the One who is my Rock, my Refuge, my Strong Tower, and my Strength forever. And in that Hope, in my hope in You, I am "confident of better things" to come and better days ahead. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
My Friend, may you be confident of better things to come and better days ahead, as You keep looking to the One who is your Hope and letting Him take hold of you, in Jesus name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

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Prayer Devotional Podcast
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