Morning by Morning, June 9 - Turmoil in Our Cities, but not the City of God
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You here in my heart and every moment of my day -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God. ...
"When (Jesus) entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, 'Who is this?' The crowds were saying, 'This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee'" (Matthew 21:10-11).
Our whole cities may be in turmoil, but the City of God is never in turmoil. The kings and kingdoms of this world may be shaken, but the Kingdom of God is never shaken.
All the turmoil, all the shaking, is all an invitation to turn to You. And in the midst of the crowds and the clamoring, in the midst of the turmoil and the shaking, we're all invited to look to the One who is steady and firm in the midst of it all.
As we cry out to You, like the crows of Jerusalem, as we look up to You and ask like them, "Who is this?", You speak to our hearts. Even now, I believe I hear You speaking by Your Spirit into my heart:
"I AM. I AM He. I AM the Everlasting One, the Unfailing One, and I AM here with you to be Your Stability and Strength. I AM here with you that you may stand firm in Me with all who call upon My name." ...
Yes, Lord. ... Your Word comes to mind from Psalm 46: "There is a river whose streams make glad the City of God. The holy dwelling place of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns" (Psalm 46:4-5).
Let all troubled hearts find refuge within the walls of the City of God. As You said long ago, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me" (John 14:1).
Trusting in You, You will steady our troubled hearts. You will even use the turmoil to turn it all around to good (Romans 8:28; Genesis 50:20). Even the turmoil in our cities, across our land, and throughout our world, You will use to shake what needs to be shaken, to change what needs to be changed, to establish what needs to be established (Hebrews 12:27). And through it all -- You will draw all people closer to You than ever before (John 12:32).
We stand on the promise of Your Word: "My Spirit abides among you; do not fear. For thus says the Lord of hosts: Once again, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all the nations, so that the Treasure of all nations shall come, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts..." (Haggai 2:5-7).
Treasure of all nations, Treasure of Heaven, come fill our hearts and our land with Your glory! As our cities and our hearts turn to You and ask, "Who is this?" we will hear from Heaven and hear in our hearts, "This is the King of Glory! Lift up your heads and open up your gates, that the King of Glory may come in! Who is this King of Glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, He is the King of Glory!" (from Psalm 24:7-10) In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
My friend, may you be steady and firm in One who is unshakable, steadfast, and true through it all, secure in the Treasure of Heaven, in the King of Glory, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. May we join together in our prayers for America and the nations of our world to experience God's Spirit and power and love, in His righteousness and justice, and even in great revival and awakening in these days. God bless you, my friend!

Listen and join me in today's Morning by Morning
Prayer Devotional Podcast
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