Friday, May 17, 2024

“Hope is a Glimpse of the Other Side” - May 17, 2024


Morning by Morning, May 17 - “Hope is a Glimpse of the Other Side”


Good morning, Lord Jesus. I am in You and You are in me (John 15:4). ...


“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).


As phrased by the New Living Version, “The secret is this: Christ in you brings hope of all the great things to come.”


As I abide in You and You abide in me, You fill me with hope, You encourage me with expectation, You awaken me with anticipation “of all the great things to come.”


Sometimes it’s hard to hope because it’s hard to see when we’re in the midst of a battle, when we’re in the middle of an onslaught of the challenges of the moment. But that’s what forms our faith and deepens our trust, as we embrace Your Presence and humbly express our desperate need of Your mercy and grace, Your provision and power, Your wisdom and guidance, to get us through to the other side.


What comes to me right now is this: “Hope is a glimpse of the other side.” ...


With the eyes of hope, we can see a glimpse of the other side. With the eyes of hope, we can see we’re going to get through this, we’re going to overcome this, that no matter what, You’re going to turn it all around and use it all for good. And while we wait for the peace and the good fruit and the victory to come--including the fashioning of more of our character into Your character, into the image of Christ by the Holy Spirit of the Living Christ, living and working in us through it all, we learn to love and learn to trust. We embrace the never-changing truth that You are with us, working within us, “Christ in (us), the hope of glory.” “Christ in (us),” the “hope of all the great things to come.”


“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5).


“Now may the God of hope fill (us) with all joy and peace in believing, that (we) may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).


Thank You for the gift of hope, for the power of hope. Thank You for the glimpse of the other side. Thank You for the glimpse of all the great things to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today. In the love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may you be filled with hope and see a glimpse of the other side of whatever challenges you're going through, knowing Christ is in you, the hope of glory, the hope of great things to come, in Jesus' name. God bless you, my friend! And you have a great day!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

New Address:

502 North Milam Street

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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My Books on Inner Healing, Spiritual Freedom and Spiritual Intimacy with God are Available on Amazon:

“Setting hearts free to be all they were created to be

—Free to Be Like Jesus—

secure in their identity, growing in maturity, fulfilling their destiny"

Please Keep us in Prayer for These

Messiah Ministries Events

May 25 Going to Graduation for our Son Josiah Hays

May 28-June 2

Ministry in Cali, Columbia with Rocio and speaking at the Citywide Pastors Association Monthly Meeting in Cali on Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer Ministry and other Pastors' and Strategic Meetings. Huge Open Doors of Invitation for this Kingdom Message! Praise God!

June 5

New Wine Worship

Hosted at Messiah Ministries home base at 502 North Milam Fredericksburg, Texas. All are welcome to come drink deeply from the Well of the Holy Spirit to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth. First Wednesday of Every Month at 7PM.

June 5-7

MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries Retreat at Fort Mill, SC

June 23

Preaching 3 Services at Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, Texas

July 27

Speaking at the Aglow International Ministries Gathering for Interest to start of a citywide Prayer Lighthouse in Fredericksburg, Texas. All are welcome.

July 30-August 1

Teaching the Healing Academy at Aldersgate Renewal Ministries, Goodlettsville, TN in the Nashville, Tennessee area

Tuesday Nights at 6PM

Teaching our 9 Month Equipping Course on Tuesday Nights at 6PM at The Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, Texas based on my books Free to Be Like Jesus! and First the Spirit

Wednesday Mornings

Joining with MorningStar Ministries to Lead Online Restoration Ministry Sessions for Online Connect Groups from around the world.


Personal Ministry Appointments

Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session:

 Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Free On-line Video Series: Setting Hearts Free! 

My Core Teaching and Ministry