Morning by Morning, Wednesday 6-30-10 – The View is Always Worth the Climb
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Good morning, Heavenly Father. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, I worship You in every Dimension of Your Being and welcome You into every dimension of my being. …
“After Lot was gone, the Lord said to Abram, ‘Look as far as you can see in every direction. I am going to give all this land to you and your seed as a permanent possession. And I am going to give you so many descendants that, like dust, they cannot be counted! Take a walk in every direction and explore the new possessions I am giving you’ ” (Genesis 13:14-17, NLT).
Elijah and Josiah, my two youngest sons, wanted to go hiking and exploring in the mountains yesterday on our vacation at Ruidoso, New Mexico, where my mom lives. So we drove up the mountain toward the Sierra Blanca peak and Monjeau Lookout until we came across Trail Number 24 in the White Mountain Wilderness of the Lincoln National Forest. We picked out our hiking sticks and set off on our journey through the canyon trail until we came to the mountain’s edge. The view from that high place looking out over the other ridges and valleys was beautiful. But we saw an interesting outcrop of giant rocks a little higher, around the mountain’s edge, but off the beaten path of the common trail. So we continued our little expedition on up there.
When we climbed up on those rocks, the view was even more astounding. Now we could see beyond the ridges of our mountain, across the high plains desert and even to another mountain range. We took pictures and talked about being brave explorers and mighty warriors. My eight year old son, Elijah, prayed a great prayer out over the land of Your creation, thanking You for our wonderful day and exciting adventure up the mountain. My four year old, Josiah, prayed his prayer for Your protection over our journey and continued to mention the thought of Your bears.
Then we looked and saw another cluster of the giant boulders up a little higher and further around the mountain’s edge. We couldn’t help but wonder how far we could see from there. So we climbed a little higher and journeyed a little farther. The view from there was even more breathtaking. And though our climb was growing steeper, our pace was growing slower, and our breaks were growing more frequent, we were all captivated by the sense of adventure to find just how far we would be able to see as we climbed higher still.
By now we could look and see what seemed to be the top ridge, rising up to the peak. We all wanted to see if we could make it to the top. So little by little, we zigged and zagged and wound our way through the rocks and trees up the ridge. As we got closer to the top, our adrenaline flowed and our spirits soared with eager anticipation for the pinnacle of our adventure. At last we made it to the mountain’s peak! The highest point was a rocky cap just big enough for the three of us to stand. We waived our hiking sticks in the air, sang a song of praise, prayed and proclaimed Your blessings upon the land and its people, and took some cell phone pictures in celebration of our victory and success in accomplishing our mission. The view from there was spectacular, more than we ever could have imagined. The famous Monjeau Lookout Tower was at the same height as us on the next mountain peak over from us. We couldn’t believe how high we’d climbed! As we walked from one end of our small peak to the other, we could see forever to the north, south, east, and west. What a gift You gave us as our reward for the journey upward and onward beyond the common trail.
Then we made a simple cross out of branches and vines to plant in a hole in the top of the rock, almost perfectly shaped for the base of our cross at the highest point. Then we laid down and took a nap, with a rock for my pillow and my belly for theirs. We probably could have rested there for the rest of the day, except for the sound of thunder in the distance. So we began our descent, so much easier and quicker now than our ascent, until we soothed our aching, bare feet in a cold mountain stream running through the meadow back down in the valley at the beginning of our trail.
Thank You, Lord, for the sense of adventure You place in our hearts. Thank You for the times You call to come a little further, to climb a little higher, to show us the views we’ll never see from the common trail. Thank You for the joy of overcoming our challenges with those You bring alongside us in the journey up the mountains of our destiny into the peaks of Your Presence, surrounded by the beauty of Your creation. All along the journey, You always teach us more about You and more about ourselves. And the view is always worth the climb. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
Friends, I'm attaching a picture below of Elijah and Josiah and our cross on the top of the mountain peak. Thanks for joining me in the journey of prayer and the adventure of life with God. God bless you!
Aldersgate 2010 National Conference on Spirit-Filled Living July 14-18
Come join us for Aldersgate in Charleston, WV this summer. I'll be teaching an equipping session on emotional healing and serving on the prophetic ministry and prayer ministry teams. Randy Clark will be the keynote speaker on healing and Craig Marsh will be ministering in his gifts of the miraculous, along with many other teachers and speakers for what's always a highlight of my summer: www.aldersgate2010.org
See you there!
July 30-August 1, 2010 Healing Prayer Weekend
at Asbury Inn, Wilmore, Kentucky.
Come away for a powerful weekend retreat with times of teaching, personal prayer ministry in a safe setting of worship that welcomes the healing Presence of God. Led by Tommy Hays, along with our worship team and prayer ministry teams. For more information or to Register for our Healing Prayer Weekend… ClickHereForMoreInfoOrToRegisterHealingPrayerWeekend
September 8-11, 2010 -- The Fountain School of Spiritual Ministry- Level I
Join us for a focused time of teaching, equipping, personal ministry, worship and impartation for healing prayer ministry led by Tommy Hays and our teaching team of experienced prayer ministers. We will study and experience a Biblical perspective of the ministry of healing and wholeness of spirit, soul and body, and apply the foundational principles of the Kingdom of God for prayer ministry. The course combines dynamic classroom teaching in a small group setting with personal hands-on experience as students receive personal ministry and are guided in ministry for others.
For more information or to Register for The Fountain School of Spiritual Ministry:
or contact Marilyn Walker, DirOfMinistries@aol.com or cell 859-317-1591
Subscribe for free by email to me at Messiah Ministries: MessiahMin@aol.com
-- "Preparing the Way of the Lord ... Ministering the Healing Love of God" www.messiah-ministries.org To order my books and our ministry resources or contribute to our ministry on-line: www.shop.messiah-ministries.org Messiah Ministries; 2800 Tates Creek Rd; Lexington, KY 40502 God bless you!