Morning by Morning, February 24 -- "Immerse!"
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You here in my heart and every moment of my day -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God. ...
As I listen for Your leading this morning, I hear in my heart the word "Immerse." I believe I hear You saying, "Immerse yourself in Me, in My Word, in My Spirit, in My Presence. Immerse yourself in Me and I will fill you up and pour you out." ...
Yes, Lord. I'm here early at the airport on my way to Tennessee to teach the Healing Academy all week long. People will be coming from all around to seek You and all You have for us -- for our own healing and for equipping in the ministry of healing in spirit, soul, and body. I'm excited to get there because I'm excited to be around spiritually hungry brothers and sisters who are passionately pursuing You. May we be immersed in Your Presence and overflowing in Your power.
I think if story of Naaman who went down to the Jordan River in Israel. "He went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; his flesh was restored like the flesh of a young boy, and he was clean" (2 Kings 5:14).
Restore me, Lord. Heal me and free me from all that would hold me back from being all You created me to be in my spirit and soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5;23). Teach me, equip me, and empower me to in the power and authority of Your Word and Your Spirit to be Your ambassador of hope and healing everywhere You send me, just as You sent out Your first disciples (Luke 9:1-2) and then many more (Luke 10:1). And I pray for a great impartation of Your passion and power to all of us (Romans 1:11; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6).
I'll be teaching at "the ARC" -- Aldersgate Renewal Center, named after Aldersgate Street where John Wesley recorded in his journal his "heart was strangely warmed." He was surely immersed and baptized with Your Holy Spirit and Holy Fire in the that place of prayer that set him ablaze with a passion for You and Your people that kindled a fiery revival that burned across two continents. Immerse me! Saturate me! Baptize me with Your Holy Spirit and Your Holy Fire! (Matthew 3:11; Acts 1:5-8) Do the same in us all and in all we encounter with the fire and the power of Your Holy Flame! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
My friend, may you be immersed in the fire and power fo the Holy Spirit and spread His fiery flame everywhere He sends you, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me! God bless you, my friend!
Healing Academy.
I'll be Teaching from the principles of my book on healing prayer ministry, Free to Be Like Jesus -- Transforming Power of Inner Healing and Deliverance (Endorsed by Max Lucado, Randy Clark, and Andy Reese)

Endorsements for Free to Be Like Jesus
from Trusted Spiritual Leaders
"Tommy Hays has spent a lifetime studying the place of prayer in inner healing. I have personally benefitted from his teaching, writing and encouragement. This book gathers a wealth of helpful insights and experiences into one volume. I am honored to have it on my shelf and honored to call Tommy my friend."
Max Lucado
"Tommy Hays combines a lawyer's keen logic with a spiritual intuition to bring inner healing to a practical, effective and applied level. His proven techniques have been used in hundreds of ministry settings and can serve as simple yet profound tools in the hands of even the novice minister."
Andy Reese
Author of Freedom Tools
"Free to Be Like Jesus will take you on a journey to learn more about the inner healing ministry. This book has many foundational spiritual truths and will help you if you want more healing in your own life, or if you want more tools to assist you in your inner healing ministry."
Randy Clark
Global Awakening
Keynote Speaker in Shropshire, England for March Conference "Release for the Captives!"
Friends, I'm excited to be invited as Keynote Speaker this year for the European Conference of the Holy Spirit through Aldersgate Renewal Ministries in Shropshire, England in March. The theme this year is "Release for the Captives!" Come join us!
Register: European Conference on the Holy Spirit
Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257
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