Morning by Morning, December 13 - The Presence and Power of God, Even in the Seasons of Seclusion
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Heart to Heart, spirit to Spirit, deep to Deep, I turn to You and welcome You in to every moment of my day. ...
"After those days (Zechariah's) wife Elizabeth conceived, and for five months she remained in seclusion. She said, 'This is what the Lord has done for me when He looked favorably on me and took away the disgrace I endured among my people'" (Luke 1:24-25).
Elizabeth knew the God of miracles had burst into her life to conceive the life of an anointed son in her barren womb. She knew the favor of God had come upon her, even as she still endured the shame and reproach from the people that had come upon her during all the long years of her barrenness. Even so, she "remained in seclusion."
Maybe her seclusion came out of a measure of doubt -- choosing to believe this miracle of God, but at the same time just needing to carry this child and feel it move for a few months just to make sure her miracle was real and would last. Maybe her seclusion came out of a measure of shame -- thanking God for all He had done but also afraid of all the people would say, maybe even mocking her with ridicule and laughing her to scorn for her faith in such a foolish thing to believe she had conceived a child, when, after all, surely she had been under the curse of God rather than the favor of God. Or maybe her seclusion came out of a measure of trust -- choosing to trust the timing of God, the God who takes time to bring to pass His promises all in His way, all in His grace, all in His time. There would come a time --in the fullness of time -- when Elizabeth, Zechariah, and all the people would look and see what God had done, when this anointed son would begin his ministry to prepare the way of the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah, just like the angel Gabriel had said at the command of the Lord (Luke 1:14-17).
Lord, give me grace in the seasons of seclusion. Give grace to wait on You, to rest in You, to yield to Your timing and trust in Your ways. Give me grace to see Your Presence and power even in the seasons of seclusion.
Even the seasons of seclusion are not seasons apart from You. It was during her seclusion that Elizabeth had one of the most powerful spiritual encounters of her life. Her young relative named Mary would come to see her in her place of seclusion -- almost as if to remind her that though she was hidden away from the world for a season, she was not hidden away from God (Luke 1:36). The miraculous child in Elizabeth's womb would leap with joy in the presence of the miraculous Child in Mary's womb, as "Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit" (Luke 1:39-45). In her great joy, she celebrated the faith and favor of both of these women who trusted the God of miracles in His timing and His ways, shouting, "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord!" (Luke 1:45)
Come, Holy Spirit. Fill me afresh today with joy in the goodness of God. It may not always be in my timing and in the way I would choose, but You're the God of miracles who rolls away all reproach and shame and fear to give me the grace to keep trusting in You and Your promises for me. Through every season, Your Presence and Your power are with me, Your favor is upon me, You've never forgotten me and never forsaken me, for I am a child of God. Every word written of me in Your Book of Life will be fulfilled -- all for Your glory, all in Your time, and all in Your way. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
My friend, may you be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit today, no matter what season you're in, trusting in the God of miracles to bring to pass every word He's written of you in His Book of Life, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Thank you for joining with me on this daily journey of prayer. I write these from my morning prayer time most every day and send them out right away the same morning -- real prayers, expressed and shared in real time from my spiritual life. If you would like to have a collection of these as a 365 Day Prayer Devotional for you or a friend, please order a copy today. God bless you!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257
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