Morning by Morning, August 11 - My Dream of Revival Last Night!
Good morning, Lord Jesus. King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Come rule and reign in my heart and every moment of my day. ...
"And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams" (Acts 2:17).
Last night I had a dream. I'm not 60 until next summer, but I guess I'm getting old enough to qualify as one of Your dreamers! Most of my mornings at the breakfast table are spent trying to discern and interpret my wife's dreams. She dreams interesting dreams almost every night -- many times about someone we're going to pray for the next day or something going on in our world or in the world of someone in relationship with us.
But last night, I got to be the one with the interesting dream! I'm not saying it was necessarily prophetic or a word from You, but I am saying I woke up excited to ponder it and share it with my wife Rocio. (For my friends listening in on our prayer time, her name is pronounced "Roh-see-oh" with the emphasis on the "see," as in the town in Spain and in the Spanish translation of Psalm 110:3 of "the dew of the morning"). She's my morning dew!
My dream last night was about revival in our city! I'm still trying to discern whether it was a dream from You or just a dream from the desires of my heart. Either way, I'm stirred up and moved to pray even more passionately and intensely for revival in my city and my nation! For a long time, the cry of my heart has been, "Lord, don't leave me out of whatever You're doing!"
In my dream, I was with a group of people at a meeting and my friend Rick came to tell us he had some great news. He was really excited! And as he was telling us what happened, all of sudden I was also watching the scene he was describing as if I had been there, looking on. He was like a teacher or principle at a school, opening the door for two young girls to walk outside. As they walked through the door, one said to the other, "I can't go then. San Antonio is going to be in revival in September." Our group at the meeting was very excited and wondering, "Can it be so?" And I woke up excited, asking the same thing in my heart and excited to share it with Rocio.
As it turns out, I have a lot of meetings these days with a small group praying for revival and now planning for times of citywide prayer for revival in our city. We just had our first major citywide gathering Sunday night, out in the parking where they host the San Antonio Rodeo and the San Antonio Spurs. We're calling this movement "PraySA." This first time was a "park and pray" kind of gathering, in a "solemn assembly" to repent and pray together as one in our city, to seek Your face and hear Your heart that You might heal our land, being led by Max Lucado (Joel 1:14; 2 Chronicles 7:14).
As it turns out, my friend Rick is our volunteer team leader for prayerfully and wisely coordinating the plans we believe You've been showing us. It would be just like him to be out in the city in a position of teaching and leading and helping our children, opening doors for them, but also hearing their hearts. And it would be just like him to get so excited to come and share this great news of revival coming to our city. In September! Lord, let it be so!
As I think about the young girl saying, "I can't go then" it makes me think of the priority she was placing on the revival. Whatever else it was that she was being invited to go do, she was firmly, decidedly saying, "I can't go then." She was not going to miss out on what God was doing! She was not going to miss out on His revival -- in San Antonio. In September. Lord, let it be so!
The Scripture came to mind of Luke 9:57-62 when You were calling Your disciples to come and follow You. There were other important things they could be doing, but You called them to put their hearts into following You, to not miss out on what You were doing in their days.
We don't know what "revival" may look like -- whether it comes in San Antonio or anywhere else, whether it comes in September or any time else. But what I do know is there is a "revival" stirring in me right now!
Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Lord Jesus! Come, my Father and gather us up into Your arms and lift us up to shine like a city on hill, as You answer the passionate prayers of a people who are called by Your name for a great move of Your Spirit in our days! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
My friend, may the Holy Spirit stir up a great revival in your heart, that you may be a carrier of revival in your city and your nation, in Jesus name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

PraySA --Prayer for Revival in San Antonio!
I'm excited to be part of a group of prayer warriors in our community planning times of prayer for awakening and revival in our community and beyond, being led by Max Lucado in San Antonio. Join us Next Sunday Night at 7:00 PM! Register your carload at
Watch the Sunday Night Gathering from Last Night Here:
New Mailing Address for Messiah Ministries:
Tommy & Rocio Hays
Messiah Ministries
17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104407
San Antonio, Texas 78257
Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries
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