Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"The Most Holy Things" - June 14

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Be my Light and my Vision, my Path and my Provision, this day and every day. ...

"The Lord spoke to Aaron: I have given you charge of the offerings made to Me, all the holy gifts of the Israelites; I have given them to you and your sons as a priestly portion due you in perpetuity. This shall be yours from the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every offering of theirs that they render to Me as a most holy thing, whether grain offering, sin offering, or guilt offering, shall belong to you and your sons" (Numbers 18:8-9).

In Christ, we are all Your priests. We are all the sons and daughters of Aaron - chosen and called, set apart to minister to You and to Your people, moved by Your Spirit to offer our lives as living sacrifices in complete surrender and joyful service of our God. We are "a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 2:5). We are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that (we) might proclaim the mighty acts of Him Who called (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9).

And just as the sons of Aaron, in the priesthood of God, were given "a priestly portion" of the first and the best of "the most holy things, reserved from the fire," so it is with us. We give You our first and our best. And yet, even as we offer it to You, You give it back to us. There's nothing You ever require of us that You don't also redeem back to us - cleansed by the Blood of Your Sacrifice for us and purified in the Fire of Your Spirit within us. We can't out-give God. And the measure we give is the measure we'll receive (Luke 6:38).

Our priesthood is not religious ritual; it's joyful service to our God that flows out of the willing sacrifice of ourselves, because of our personal relationship of love and covenant of commitment to You. So the offerings we bring become not the measure You take, but the measure You give. In fact, Your measure back to us becomes "abundantly far more that all we can ask or imagine," as we embrace Your "power at work within us" to bring Your name "glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever" (Ephesians 3:20-21).

So with all that I am and all that I have, I willingly, joyfully offer to You all my "most holy things, reserved from the fire" - all my heart, mind, soul, and strength - as best as I can and all by Your grace. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Come to the Fountain This Friday Night! June 17th, our Messiah Ministries' monthly gathering (3rd Friday) for prayer, praise, and healing worship with the family of God as one, from many different churches and traditions under the name of Jesus. Come drink deeply from the Living Waters, to be refreshed and renewed in the Presence of God, as we worship Him and welcome Him to heal us and free us in spirit, soul, and body. We meet monthly in the Chapel at Centenary UMC, 2800 Tates Creek Rd, Lexington, Kentucky at 7 PM. We have various worship leaders from our area lead us in worship each month. This month, Andrew Eberheart will be leading in worship and Linda Dulin-Moore will be leading in prayer. All are welcome! Please come and bring a friend. Please spread the word!
Friends, please keep our Ministry finances in prayer. These summer months are typically lean financial months for us and, like a missionary, I raise all my own support for ministry in leading Messiah Ministries to fulfill our calling and vision. I would love to speak with you about our calling and vision, as well as our needs. Please consider being one of our regular supporters in prayer and provision. God bless you!

: www.messiah-ministries.org/home
: TommyHays@messiah-ministries.org
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