Thursday, September 01, 2011

Returning with Joy! - September 1

Good morning, Lord Jesus. King of kings and Lord of lords, King of heaven and Lord of all, I worship You now and entrust this day to You. ...

"The seventy returned with joy, saying, 'Lord, in Your name even the demons submit to us!' He said to them, 'I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. See, I have given you authority to tread and snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.' At that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit ..." (Luke 10:17-21).

We truly have no idea what can happen when we obey Your call and go at Your command - whether to the nations or across the street. But we know that whether we go must change, because we carry the Spirit of Christ within us and the glory of God upon us (Colossian 1:27). "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you" (Isaiah 60:1).

Wherever Your Light shines, darkness must flee. Wherever Your name is lifted up, every other name must bow down. Wherever Your glory comes, all that would seek to steal Your glory must fall. And how You rejoice to see our hearts full of the joy that comes from obeying Your will from a place of intimacy with You!

Lord, give me the understanding to believe the truth that wherever I go, You go with me because You are within me. Give me the faith to know that the spiritual atmosphere immediately changes the moment I arrive because the King of the Kingdom of God is within me (Luke 17:21). "Christ in (me), the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27). Lord, thank You for sending me to Africa last week and home this week. Like each of Your disciples, let me continue to be transformed into Your image, so that I can be an agent of Your transformation wherever I am and wherever I go. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

Tommy Hays Preaching Kenol, Kenya Festival

Friends, Thank You so much! for all your prayers for me and our team in Africa. Our time of ministry and fruit for the Kingdom here was beyond my imagnnation! I made it home to Lexington about midnight last night with Wesley and Patti. Praying for wonderful reunions with family and friends, as well as speedy recovery from jet lag and travel exhaustiion. What joy fills our hearts as we return! God bless you!

Please come join us in Lexington in October for our 4 Day School of Spiritual Ministry for equipping and impartation in healnig praeyr ministry and prophetic ministry. Scholarships are available as needed so all can come. Please see our Events Calendar on the web site for details or to register on-line:

Please keep Messiah Ministries in prayer. We're needing to raise additional significant financial support right now, so we would welcome your generous support as you are led, whether on-line, by phone, or through the mail. Thank you and God bless you! We couldn't minister like this without you!

Tommy Hays

Founder, Messiah Ministries

2800 Tates Creek Rd.

Lexington, KY 40502