Wednesday, September 01, 2021

“Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust Him” - September 1, 2021


Morning by Morning, September 1 - “Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust Him”

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Help me begin my day grounded in Your Word and filled with Your Spirit. ...

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15).

Some of the things going on our world right now just slay me. They just kill me. They grieve me the core of my being. 

The humiliation of Afghanistan. The horror of what those left behind are enduring and will doubtless endure at the hands of leaders known for cruelty and terror. And right here at home with a government that’s increasingly harder to trust to speak the truth and do what’s right with whatever desire to trust remains. With hurricanes that wipe out cities and with fires that consume regions, and with plagues that destroy our health, rob our peace, and shut down our freedom.

Yet will I trust You. Yet will I call on Your name. Yet will I express and release my emotions and griefs and sorrows, my angers and worries and fears, my confusion and discouragement and sometimes sense of utter frustration and helplessness to You. For You see it all. And I know You are at work through the midst of it all -- though it all breaks Your heart even more than it breaks mine, for You love more than I ever could.

Yes, I will trust You. Yes, I will keep believing none of this will have the last word or get the final say. Yes, I will celebrate all You are doing and thank You for all the ways You are redeeming all that we’re going through in this broken and fallen world that desperately needs You and the hope that only You can provide. Yes, I will keep looking up to You:

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills --
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow (my) foot to be moved;
He who keeps (me) will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is (my) keeper;
The Lord is (my) shade at (my) right hand.
The sun shall not strike (me) by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve (me) from all evil;
He shall preserve (my) soul.
The Lord shall preserve (my) going out and (my) coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore” (Psalm 121:1-8).

“Though He slay me” -- though all that’s going on in my world today seeks to slay me and my faith and my hope and my love -- “Yet will I trust Him.” In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may you keep looking up to the One who is our Help and our Redeemer through everything that would seek to slay your faith, hope, and love in these challenging times, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries

Mailing Address:
Messiah Ministries
412 S. Adams Street #148
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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AfghanistanFriends, we join you in prayer for the safety and courage of all those who are struggling in Afghanistan, whether Afghan, American, or other nationality, who are going through these challenging times. We join you in prayer for all the rescue operations taking place, whether in the armies of nations or the Army of the Lord, being raised with men and women of courage to overcome. Praying Psalm 91 and Psalm 18 over them all.
Join Us for Our Free Online Video Series 
on Inner Healing and Freedom in Jesus!

It's free! — Sign up and spread the word today!

Who hasn't had a wounded heart sometime along the journey of our lives in this world? The good news is that Jesus is still healing the broken hearted and setting captives free. In the mercy and love of God, He comes to heal us and free us!

Come join us on this 10 part series, free of cost, to experience key principles of inner healing and spiritual freedom, along with powerful segments of healing prayer ministry.
This vibrant spiritual experience will be more than a teaching. We're praying it will be a life-changing encounter with the Living God for you!

And please spread the word to anyone you think would love this and benefit from it.

God bless you, as He heals you and frees you in the power of His love!

Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries

Join us and Pray for us!
Some of Our Upcoming Events:

Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions and Spiritual Direction—
both in person and online by appointment.

September 3
Filming segments of a new teaching series, Power and Love for Today. Please pray for wisdom, guidance, and provision for this new and exciting opportunity to expand the reach and impact of our ministry! 

September 16-18
Attending School of the Prophets with Chris Reed at MorningStar University, MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina. 

September 30
Preaching in Pakistan through our Monthly Internet Ministry
Each month we set up a projector screen in a different unreached village for our outdoor evangelistic outreach. I preach and minister, while Pastor Rizwan and Mehwish Fazal interpret the message live, join in prayer ministry, and follow up with discipleship. Thank you so much for every way you partner with us in prayer and to make this outreach ministry so possible and fruitful every month! God bless you!

October 3
Preaching the Sunday Services at the Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, TX
9:00 and 10:45 Live and by Livestream.

October 8-10
Save the Date! Leading an Inner Healing Conference hosted at Vineyard Church of San Antonioboth live and online. Look for details to come!

November 12-14
Preaching and Equipping for Prayer Ministry
at Grafton Methodist Church Harvest Festival 
near Dayton, Ohio.

Tuesday Nights (Starting Again Sept 21st)
Teaching Freedom Equipping Course live in person every week at the Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas from 6 to 8:00.
Starting over a New Course in September! Based on the principles of my book Free to Be Like Jesus!

Monday Nights
Rocio and I lead an Online Connect Group for MorningStar Ministries

Personal Ministry Appointments
Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer MinistrySessions of Inner Healing & Deliverance by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session: 

Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.