Morning by Morning, January 29 - No Turning Back
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Put Your thoughts in my mind and Your desires in my heart. Lead me in the way that leads to life in You today. ...
As I listen and wait upon the leading of Your Holy Spirit, what comes to my heart this morning are these words, "No turning back." ...
I join with so many who are looking for answers that only You can provide and looking for hope that only You can supply. But I've been on this journey with You a long time. And I'm not turning back. No surrender. No retreat.
When I stumble or fall, You always pick me up. When I'm discouraged or down, You always lift me up. You even use my disappointments to stir up an even deeper hunger to yearn to see how You'll turn it all around and even work it all together for good. Just like You always have. Just like You always will.
I'm reminded of Your Word that speaks of Your would-be followers and fair-weather disciples:
"As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, 'I will follow You wherever you go.' And Jesus said to him, 'Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.' To another he said, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father.' But Jesus said to him, 'Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.' Another said, 'I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.' Jesus said to him, 'No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God'" (Luke 9:57-62).
By the power of Your grace, I don't want to be a would-be follower or fair-weather disciple. I put my hand to this plow a long time ago. The day I laid down my full-time career as a trial lawyer and said, "Here I am, Lord; send me" was the day I felt like I started plowing some ground. And You starting plowing some ground in me. But You also started planting some seeds of life in me and even through me, some seeds of Your Word and Your Spirit, that I've seen growing to maturity through the seasons of the years ever since. And I'm not about to miss out on the harvest!
No surrender. No retreat. No turning back.
I'm sold out and I'm all in.
Come hell or highwater, I'm not letting go of You and I know You'll never let go of me. There will likely be some tough times ahead. What's new? But I'm still believing and praying for breakthroughs and turnarounds in the ways that only You can do. With expectant faith, I'm still excited to see what You will do and even dare to believe the best is yet to come. You're not turning back. And neither am I. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
My friend, may you be encouraged and empowered to keep looking up, keep pressing in, keep believing and expecting breakthroughs and turnarounds that only God can do, in Jesus name. No turning back. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Weekly Healing Prayer Ministry Course at Coker UMC in San Antonio, Texas.
Friends, please keep us in your prayers for our weekly online series that was off to a great start yesterday! I'm teaching and equipping a prayer ministry team to serve at Coker United Methodist Church in San Antonio. God is getting His people ready for the great harvest to come! I pray for your equipping and serving as well in your calling and destiny with the gifts the Lord is giving and stirring up in you! God bless you!
Mailing Address for Messiah Ministries:
Tommy & Rocio Hays
Messiah Ministries
17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104407
San Antonio, Texas 78257
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