"Blessed are the pure
in heart, for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8).
The "pure in heart" are
those whose sins have been forgiven by the mercy of God through the blood of
Jesus. But the meaning of the original language also speaks of those whose
hearts have been cleansed as though "purified by fire" or prepared "like a vine
cleansed by pruning and so fitted to bear more fruit" (katharos, Strong's
Purify my heart, Lord.
Give me the grace to keep giving my heart to You, allowing You to cleanse it,
heal it, purify it, and prepare it to bear the fruit of Your Spirit through my
life today and every day. Help me embrace Your pruning, with a heart full of
hope for all the good things to come. I want to be one of those who see God, one
of those who are pure in heart - not just when I go to heaven when I die, but as
Your bring Your heaven into my heart every day. In Jesus' name I pray,
January 27-28, 2012 in Lexington, Kentucky
"Contend for the Faith" -- A regional gathering to seek the Word of the Lord for our city and region for 2012, hosted this year at East Second Street Christian Church in downtown Lexington, Kentucky. Margaret Therkelsen, author and spiritual mother in our city, will be speaking and leading us in prayer Friday Night. Bishop Morton of Frankfort and the State-wide Prayer Movement, with other prayer leaders and worship leaders throughout the weekend. All are welcome! Please spread the word!
Messiah Ministries' School of Spiritual Ministry - Level 2
February 1-4, 2012 in Lexington, Kentucky
Equipping and empowering leaders for healing prayer and prophetic ministry to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Led by Tommy & Sylvia Hays of Messiah Ministries. Request the dvd's to watch from Level 1 and you can still attend Level 2. Some partial scholarships are available so all can attend and be trained.
Be empowered, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill your destiny
in Christ!
Tommy & Sylvia Hays | Messiah Ministrieswww.messiah-ministries.org