Morning by Morning, February 27 - From Emptiness to Abundance
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Let my spirit arise and embrace Your Spirit -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- as I begin my day in the communion of prayer. ...
"Elisha said to her, 'What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?' She answered, 'Your servant has nothing in the house, except a jar of oil.' He said, 'Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not just a few. Then go in, and shut the door behind you and your children, and start pouring into all these vessels; when each is full, set it aside.' So she left him and shut the door behind her and her children; they kept bringing vessels to her and she kept pouring. When the vessels were full, she said to her son, 'Bring me another vessel.' But he said to her, 'There are no more.' Then the oil stopped flowing. She came and told the man of God, and he said, 'Go sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your children can live on the rest'" (2 Kings 4:2-7).
When the widow woman was worried about her family and her future, You guided her to first look and see what she already had (v. 1-2). Her first thought was "nothing" (v. 2). But then You also brought to her remembrance that she still had "a jar of oil" (v. 2). And in the power of Your grace, You took what she had and gave her more (v. 5). You filled every "empty vessel" she brought to You until there were no more to find (v. 6). You canceled her debts, lifted her burdens, and secured her future (v. 7).
So many times, we are like that widow woman. We get discouraged or depressed, weighed down by the weights of the burdens we bear on our journey through this broken and fallen world. But You guide us to remember You've not left us without and You've not left us alone. You never leave us nor forsake us. You're always with us.
You've given us the "oil" of Your Spirit. And when we come to You in our emptiness, You fill us again with Your abundance. You fill us afresh with Your Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). You provide for us as the One who is always with us, "Who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20).
You remind us and guide to embrace Your promise that we proclaim in faith: "My God will fully satisfy every need of (ours) according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever" (Philippians 4:19). That's the miracle and blessing of the Oil of Your Spirit that will never stop flowing into every empty vessel of our hearts we bring to You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
I pray you will be filled to overflowing with the Oil of God's Spirit, providing for you exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or imagine, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Friends, Thank You so much for your prayers for us this Sunday as I shared the message at Vineyard Church of San Antonio this Sunday. I'm excited to to be preaching at the First Wednesday Worship & Prayer Service at Oak Hills Church, Crownridge Campus this Wednesday Night at 7pm. All are welcome! Please keep us in prayer and I pray for an outpouring of God's Spirit and and power in your heart and life each day! God bless you!
Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257
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