Monday, March 25, 2024

Hosannah to the King of Heaven! - March 25, 2024


Morning by Morning, March 25 - Hosannah to the King of Heaven!


Good morning, Lord Jesus. Hosannah to You! Holy are You! I lift up the palm branches of my spirit to welcome You into the place of praise in my heart (John 12:13). ...


“When (Jesus) had said this, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. And it came to pass, when He drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mountain called Olivet, that He sent two of His disciples, saying, ‘Go into the village opposite you, where as you enter you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Loose it and bring it here. And if anyone asks you, ‘Why are you loosing it?’ thus you shall say to him, ‘Because the Lord has need of it.’


“So those who were sent went their way and found it just as He had said to them. But as they were loosing the colt, the owners of it said to them, ‘Why are you loosing the colt?’


“And they said, ‘The Lord has need of him.’ Then they brought him to Jesus. And they threw their own clothes on the colt, and they set Jesus on him. And as He went, many spread their clothes on the road.


Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying:


‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!’

Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!’


And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, ‘Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.’


But He answered and said to them, ‘I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out” (Luke 19:28-40).

On that first Palm Sunday, You fulfilled the ancient Word from the Prophet Zechariah:


“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is He, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey!” (Zechariah 9:9)


You came in such humility. Yet, at the same time, with such authority. And though they thought You were coming to set up an earthly kingdom, You came to establish Your heavenly kingdom. As You declared to the earthly authorities a few days later in that first Holy Week, “My kingdom is not of this world.... My kingdom is not from here” (John 18:36).


You are the King of Heaven, the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords!” (Revelation 19:16) And Your kingdom comes into every heart that’s lifted up to You, that’s opened up to You, that’s welcome You to come in to rule and reign as King and Lord.


You are “the King of Glory!” (Psalm 24:7-10) And with Christians around the world who celebrate this week as Holy Week from that Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday, I praise You and welcome You to come into my heart, to come rule and reign in my life, as I honor the One who was celebrated but then crucified, who was crucified but then raised from the dead, who was raised from the dead but now rules and reigns from Heaven as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today. In the love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may your heart be filled with praise to the King of Heaven, the King of Glory, to rule and reign in your heart and life every day, in Jesus' name. God bless you, my friend! And you have a great day!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

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Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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“Setting hearts free to be all they were created to be

—Free to Be Like Jesus—

secure in their identity, growing in maturity, fulfilling their destiny"

Please Keep us in Prayer for These

Messiah Ministries Events

March 22-24 Wow! Thank you for all your prayers! The Lord delivered me from my battle with some attack of sickness and healed me and gave me such overwhelming joy and energy Saturday morning to be able to get to the Retreat and join everyone for a weekend of powerful ministry! Many testimonies of healing and freedom, with great renewal of hearts. One lady who carried a heavy burden of grief for most of her life from the murder of father told me her life was changed this weekend! Wow! Praise God! When we are weak, then He is strong! His power is made perfect in our weakness! His grace is sufficient and powerful!

Speaking at the Greater Things Conference at Mo Ranch for the Central Texas Area Annual Retreat for Aglow International Ministries

March 25-29

Resting and Time Away for Holy Week, as much as possible

April 3

New Wine Worship at our Ministry Home Base in Fredericksburg, Texas.

All are welcome!

April 12 Men's Retreat on the Guadalupe River at Ingram, Texas

April 13

Speaking with Rocio at a Women's Retreat in Boerne, Texas

April 26-27

3rd Annual Revival at the Barn! at Yee Haw Ranch in Fredericksburg, Texas

May 3-5

Attending Rick Joyner's Christian Writer's Seminar at Moravian Falls, NC

May 28-June 2

Ministry in Cali, Columbia with Rocio and speaking at the Citywide Pastors Association Monthly Meeting in Cali on Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer Ministry. Huge Open Doors! Praise God!

June 5-7

MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries Retreat at Fort Mill, SC

June 23

Preaching 3 Services at Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, Texas

July 30-August 1

Teaching the Healing Academy at Aldersgate Renewal Ministries, Goodlettsville, TN in the Nashville, Tennessee area

Tuesday Nights at 6PM

Teaching our 9 Month Equipping Course on Tuesday Nights at 6PM at The Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, Texas based on my books Free to Be Like Jesus! and First the Spirit

Wednesday Mornings

Joining with MorningStar Ministries to Lead Online Restoration Ministry Sessions for Online Connect Groups from around the world.


Personal Ministry Appointments

Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session:

 Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Free On-line Video Series: Setting Hearts Free! 

My Core Teaching and Ministry