Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Praying for Afghanistan - August 18, 2021


Morning by Morning, August 18 - Praying for Afghanistan

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Your name is above every name. And I begin my day speaking out Your name above everything that I am and everything I’ll face as I go through this day with You in my heart (Philippians 2:9). ...

On my heart this morning are those in Afghanistan -- my son and the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne at the airport in Kabal, those who have converted to Christ and may be called to account for their decision of faith, those who’ve been called to proclaim the love and truth of the Gospel in that land no matter the cost, those who live in that nation but fear what may happen under the kind of law being imposed and the kind of leadership taking control. 

Lord, be with them. Lord, empower them to stand firm in their faith, with their eyes on You, no matter what they go through. Let them hear the Word of the Lord in their hearts to give them courage:

“Do not fear, for I am with you,
    do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

And for every soul -- no matter whose side they’re on, no matter whose army they fight for, no matter what circumstance they find themselves in, and no matter the state of their relationship with You -- may Your Holy Spirit move in every heart to turn every heart to You. For You are “not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). “This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4).

Lord, we even pray that out of all the chaos there will be many conversions and out of this situation there will be many salvations. We join with the prayers of all the hidden saints in that land, that You would arise and even release a revival that brings in a great harvest in the face of any persecution, as faith and love overcome fear. For Your “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). And fear must flee from every heart that’s filled with faith and trust in God (2 Timothy 1:7; James 4:7).

We decree this truth from Your Word over all of them: You are with them. You will strengthen them and help them. You will uphold them with Your victorious right hand. They will not fear or be dismayed. They will look and see what God has done. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may you join in prayer that the Holy Spirit move in the heart of every soul in Afghanistan to bring many souls to the Lord, as He protects and upholds His people in that land, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries

Mailing Address:
Messiah Ministries
412 S. Adams Street #148
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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Launching Our New Online Video Series 
on Inner Healing and Freedom in Jesus!

It's free! — Sign up and spread the word today!

Who hasn't had a wounded heart sometime along the journey of our lives in this world? The good news is that Jesus is still healing the broken hearted and setting captives free. In the mercy and love of God, He comes to heal us and free us!

Come join us on this 10 part series, free of cost, to experience key principles of inner healing and spiritual freedom, along with powerful segments of healing prayer ministry.
This vibrant spiritual experience will be more than a teaching. We're praying it will be a life-changing encounter with the Living God for you!

And please spread the word to anyone you think would love this and benefit from it.

God bless you, as He heals you and frees you in the power of His love!

Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries

Join us and Pray for us!
Some of Our Upcoming Events:

Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions and Spiritual Direction—
both in person and online by appointment.

August 16 -Thank you for your prayers! We had a great time and powerful day of sharing Healing and Hope in Jesus!
Filming and Interview for TV and Radio episodes with Louada Raschke Ministries in Kerrville, Texas for TV times and Broadcast Info.

Watch the segment for radio and FB Live here:

August 27-28
Spiritual Retreat at Mo Ranch in the Texas Hill Country.
Weekend spiritual encounter for those attending our Freedom Equipping Courses hosted by Bridge Church

August 29-30
Healing Prayer Services
at Coker UMC in San Antonio, Texas.
Sunday 8/29 at 7PM in person; Mondy 8/30 at 7PM by zoom.

September 16-18
Equipping at School of the Prophets with Chris Reed at MorningStar University, MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina. I'm an ordained member of the Fellowship of Ministries and have been teaching a Deliverance Ministry Course for Online Group Leaders.

October 3
Preaching the Sunday Services at the Bridge Church, Fredericksburg, TX
9:00 and 10:45 Live and by Livestream.

Tuesday Nights
Teaching Freedom Equipping Course live in person every week at the Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas from 6 to 8:00. Starting over a New Course in September! Based on the principles of my book Free to Be Like Jesus!

Monday Nights
We lead an Online Connect Group for MorningStar Ministries

Personal Ministry Appointments
Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer MinistrySessions of Inner Healing & Deliverance by Appointment and as the Holy Spirit leads. Please keep us in prayer for spiritual breakthrough and transformation! Let us know if you'd like to set up a session: 

Sessions are without cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.