Monday, October 07, 2024

Morning by Morning, October 7, 2024 - “Everyone.... Come to Me”


Morning by Morning, October 7, 2024 - “Everyone.... Come to Me”


Good morning, Lord Jesus. I speak out Your name and listen for Your leading, as I begin my day embraced by my Father, centered in Christ, and filled with Your Holy Spirit (John 10:27). ...


“Ho! Everyone who thirsts,

Come to the waters;

And you who have no money,

Come, buy and eat.

Yes, come, buy wine and milk

Without money and without price.

Why do you spend money for what is not bread,

And your wages for what does not satisfy?

Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,

And let your soul delight itself in abundance.

Incline your ear, and come to Me.

Hear, and your soul shall live;

And I will make an everlasting covenant with you—

The sure mercies of David”

(Isaiah 55:1-3).


Four times in these three Verses, You say, “Come....”


You call “Everyone” to “Come.” You invite “Everyone” to “Come.” You reach out to “Everyone” to pursue You as You express Your heart for us, “Come to Me.”


How do we “Come to (You)?” ... You said, “Incline your ear, and come to Me” (v. 3).


How do we “Incline (our) ear?” ... We “listen carefully to (You), and eat what is good” (v. 2).


This speaks of intentionally, deliberately positioning ourselves in Your Presence, of eating Your Word by reading, hearing, and being grounded in Your Word. This speaks of waiting on You in prayer, listening for the leading of Your Voice through Your Word and by Your Spirit.


You are ready to be heard. You are ready to be pursued and sought after. You are ready to embrace and lead. You are ready and available to “Everyone” who will “Come” (v. 1).


And when we do, You promise us, “Your soul shall delight itself in abundance” (v 2). You promise us, “Your soul shall live” (v. 3). These are “sure mercies” of an “everlasting covenant” that will never be broken, never be cancelled, never be replaced with anything less for all who would “Come” (v. 4).


So I embrace Your invitation. I take time to listen and to wait in the communion of prayer and the praise of worship as I open Your Word. I come to You and embrace the Ever-abiding Presence of Your Spirit, here with me and in every place and moment of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged today. In the love of Jesus, Tommy Hays

My friend, may you "Come" to God -- God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit -- that you soul shall live and delight itself in abundance in Him, in Jesus' name, Amen. God bless you, my friend! And you have a great day!

Click Here to Listen to Today's Prayer:

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries

502 North Milam Street

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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My Books on Inner Healing, Spiritual Freedom and Spiritual Intimacy with God are Available on Amazon:

“Setting hearts free to be all they were created to be

—Free to Be Like Jesus—

secure in their identity, growing in maturity, fulfilling their destiny"

Please Save the Date, Get Your Tickets, and Spread the Word!

Please Keep us in Prayer for These

Messiah Ministries Events

Every Tuesday Night

Teaching my 9 Month Equipping Course Free to Be Like Jesus! at Bridge Church Fredericksburg, Texas. 6:00PM Central Time

Zoom link available by request to my email.

Based on My Book, Free to Be Like Jesus:

October 11

Preaching Fire on the Mountain! Revival Fire Meeting at The Empty Cross of The Coming King Prayer Garden in Kerrville, Texas. 7:00PM All are Welcome! Spread the word!

This will be the culmination night of the 10 Days of Prayer for the 10 Days of Awe Movement in Kerrville, Texas

October 17

Speaking at San Antonio Evening Aglow Meeting hosted at Friendship Church 7pm. All are welcome!

November 2

Family Celebration for my wife Rocio's 60th Birthday (actual day is 11/27/2024)!

November 5-12

Ministry Trip to Cali, Colombia for Revival Meetings Again

November 22-24

Teaching a Healing Academy at FUMC McMinnville, Tennessee

December 7

Speaking at Kerrville Aglow Christmas Gathering

December 19

10th Wedding Anniversary for Tommy & Rocio Hays!

December 21

Wedding Celebration of Elijah & Ashleigh Hays in Maysville, Kentucky

March 1, 2025

Messiah Ministries Annual Fundraiser at YO Ranch in Kerrville, TX. Testimonies to God's Glory! Dinner, Celebration, Worship, Live Auction, Silent Auction. Live Worship Painting by Jenna Mae Tipton to be auctioned. Tickets are On Sale Now to Preregister at Discount Price by Dec. 31st.

Wednesday Mornings

Leading Online Restoration Ministry Sessions for Online Connect Groups of MorningStar Ministries from around the world by appointment.


Personal Ministry Appointments

Spiritual Direction Sessions and Personal Prayer Ministry Sessions of Inner Healing & Spiritual Freedom by Appointment.

 Sessions are without set cost and all contributions help support the calling and vision of Messiah Ministries.

Free On-line Video Series: Setting Hearts Free! 

My Core Teaching and Ministry