Morning by Morning, March 29 - Reset and Realignment Prophetic Word from Lana Vawsar Ministries
Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You here in my heart and every moment of my day. ...
Friends, I don't normally write and send out my daily prayer devotional on Saturdays and Sundays, but I felt strongly moved to share this prophetic word I read this morning in my "inbox" from Lana Vawsar of Lana Vawsar Ministries in Australia. Everything I read in her word is a such a stirring and confirmation to so much of what I've been hearing personally and among my different "streams" of the Body and Bride of Christ these past few months. So I share here her word in its entirety. Like all words, visions, and dreams, we must test it and weight it, to hold fast to what is true and bears witness by the Holy Spirit in alignment with the Word of God, the heart of the Father, and the character of Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 14:29):
There is So Much Grace and Help from the Lord for You in This Time of Reset and Time of Alignment -- by Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries |
As we can see right now we are in a time of reset and a time where the Lord is inviting His people to come into alignment with Him and the new wineskin and to prepare ourselves for what God is about do in the earth. In this SELAH moment that is upon us as the Church the Lord is restructuring, He is redirecting our steps, He is bringing us into alignment with Him and His ways and the new thing He is doing. The way we engage with the Lord and move into alignment is by having eyes to see, ears to hear, a tender heart and laying ourselves down in humility before Him.
This is a MAJOR shift that is taking place in the body of Christ and in the earth right now and things are not going to remain the same as we come out of this SELAH moment. The Lord out of His extravagant love is drawing us as His people back into the garden to embrace the refining fire of the Lord, the shaking of God and to move with Him into new things that we have never seen before. It is such a beautiful invitation to lay ourselves down and our expectations of how we 'think' it should look, let go of control and fall into the arms of our beautiful Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to have the reigns. Allowing the Holy Spirit to mould, craft and shape what is to be the next steps before us and the move of God in and through our lives in the way that He desires it to be.
For many, many, many months the Lord has been speaking to me about the unexpected. This is the era of the unexpected and the way He moves is going to be extraordinary and like we have not seen before. He is going to lead His people into unexpected places and positioning that are more glorious than we realise but if we are holding onto what we think it has to look like, then we could miss some of the most glorious moves of His Spirit and divine upgrades that He has for us.
The Lord showed me in a dream last night very clearly an encouragement that He wanted me to release to you. There is a new rhythm God is inviting His people into. It's a place and a time to really get aligned and He is raising the bar, He is moving the Church into a new level of normal. He is calling His people to walk in holiness and be consecrated. This is a time where the Lord is deeply cleansing and the world is being taken OUT of the Church (Romans 12:1-2) by His fire and His beautiful conviction that comes from His burning love for His people. It's time for the Bride to make herself ready and there is an urgency of the hour to do that. (Revelation ) It's really a time to hear what the Spirit is saying and move on HIS direction and HIS voice and not the voice of others or the world that come from fear or the wisdom of man that is opposite to what God is saying. (Isaiah 55:11)
In my dream last night, the Lord showed me GRACE. He showed me GRACE, COMFORT and HELP. The Lord wants YOU to know today that yes in this MAJOR reset taking place, this MAJOR shift, this MAJOR time of being called to be in right alignment with the Lord, that He has not left you alone to "work it out" and "hopefully you get it right". He isn't standing on the sideline watching you with His arms crossed, impatient and angry and waiting for you to get it right and "FIGURE OUT" how to get everything right.
God showed me in my dream last night that He is RIGHT beside you. He is WITH you, He is helping you, He is bringing you the GRACE that you need to accept the invitations that He is placing before you. He is highlighting the urgency of the hour to be prepared, but He is also holding your face in His hands, His eyes upon you and He is saying "I'm here with you and I am going to help you do all I am asking you to do. I am going to give you the grace to accomplish all that I ask you to do. I am going to give you the empowerment and grace to align. Just be willing. Just say YES. Say YES and I will do the rest."
"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16 NKJV)
"So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy's kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness." (Hebrews 4:16 TPT)
Beloved, the Lord is with you. The Lord wants you to have peace and He wants you to know that you don't have to 'work this out all'. He is inviting you beside still waters. (Psalm 23) He is wanting to lavish His grace and empowerment upon you to walk in complete obedience to Him.
The Lord wants you to know as you still yourself before Him, as you quiet yourself before Him and go before Him in a place of humility asking Him to speak and have His way, He is going to make things clear to you in how to prepare yourself in this time for what He is going to do on the earth. Don't be overwhelmed or anxious or striving to 'work things out', rest before Him, rest in His presence and allow Him to speak. Love and embrace His conviction. Allow the purifying, refining fire of God to envelop you, knowing the Lord does not condemn you, He loves you and He is drawing you deeper into the place of communion with Him and first love. This is your greatest hour of fortification in Him. This is your greatest hour of seeing Jesus as your Rock (Psalm 18:2) and your Shepherd. (Psalm 23)
This is a time of rapid and very, very deep deliverance and those who yield are shifting into the greatest positioning of their destiny in the Lord receiving significant promotion.
You are not alone.
Lift up your eyes, for where does your help come from? The Maker of Heaven and Earth. (Psalm 121)
He's with you. He loves you and you have ALL you need as you surrender afresh, in His grace to move into all He has for you.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13 - NKJV)
As everything changes, rest, relax and go with His flow in this moment of MAJOR birthing and repositioning for the new wine that's flowing. He's helping you and leading you every step. Just say YES!
-- Lana Vawsar
Yes, Lord! Let it be so! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged today! In the Love of Jesus, Tommy Hays
Tommy, may you be encouraged and strenthendjed, filled with hope and faith, excited and expectant to see what God will do through all we are going through in these challenging but exciting days, when we we created and chose to be alive in Christ for such a time as this, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Tommy Hays | Messiah Ministries
Healing from the Inside Out ...
Preparing the Way of the Lord
Pastoral Director | Rapha God Ministries
4 Dominion Drive, Building 1
San Antonio, Texas 78257
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