Morning by Morning, October 19 - He Delights to Give Me the Desires of My Heart
Good morning, Lord Jesus. Be at the center of my life and every moment of my day. ...
"Trust in the Lord, and do good;
so you will live in the land, and enjoy security.
so you will live in the land, and enjoy security.
Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him, and He will act.
trust in Him, and He will act.
He will make your vindication shine like the light,
and the justice of your cause like the noonday" (Psalm 37:3-6).
and the justice of your cause like the noonday" (Psalm 37:3-6).
You entrust the desires of my heart to me as I entrust my heart to Your desires. You commit to act for me as I commit my ways to You.
It's all a question of trust. Do I trust You to know what's best for me? Do I trust that in surrendering all, I actually gain all -- all that is good and right and best for me and the lives You would touch and love through me during this little sliver of time I have to make a difference in my world.
The more I trust You, the more I'm willing to surrender to You. And the more I surrender to You, the more I find I can trust You, and then surrender even more to You. More of You, less of me -- "less of me" in the sense of yielding my will to Your will and allowing Your ways to become my ways and Your desires to become my desires. That's how You can delight in giving me the desires of my heart, as my heart learns to take delight in You.
By the power of Your grace at work within me, teach my heart to delight in You. Empower me to trust in Your ways. Make me wise to trust in Your wisdom. Free me to surrender more to Your will. By the promise of Your Word, You will move and You will act as I commit my way to You and trust in You.
I can't do any of this on my own or in my power. But setting aside my pride, willingly choosing to humble myself in Your sight, You will lift me up and set things right -- here in my heart and every area of my life. Then I will witness You giving me the desires of my heart, just as You said. Then I will sense You delighting in me, as I delight in You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
My friend, may you be filled with the desires of God's heart that He may delight in giving you the desires of His heart, in Jesus name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friend!

Ministry in Kentucky This Weekend! Come join us if you are in the Lexington, Kentucky area on October 23-24th where I'll speaking at our Setting Hearts Free conference at Ignite Church in Nicholasville just west of Lexington. Friday Night at 7PM and Saturday 9-4. No registration or fee. Come for any part you can.
All are welcome! Spread the word!
All are welcome! Spread the word!
More details:
Free to Be Like Jesus!
Transforming Power of Inner Healing & Deliverance

New Mailing Address for Messiah Ministries:
Tommy & Rocio Hays
Messiah Ministries
17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104407
San Antonio, Texas 78257
Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries
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