Please come join us if you can and keep us in prayer if you can't for this exciting opportunity of ministry:
Setting Hearts Free!
Come join us this weekend in the Lexington, Kentucky Area (Nicholasville) at Ignite Church for our Setting Hearts Free Conference! No Registration Fee. All are welcome!
Friday Night, October 23rd at 7PM
Saturday, October 24th from 9AM to 4PM

Bring a Friend and Spread the Word!
Tommy & Rocio Hays
Messiah Ministries
17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104407
San Antonio, Texas 78257
Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries
More Detailed Ministries
and Fruitfulness of Messiah Ministries,
All by the Power and Grace of God
Personal Prayer Ministry for Inner Healing and Restoration
Almost 200 sessions of personal prayer ministry a year for the past several years, while Tommy formerly served as Pastoral Director of Rapha God Ministries. Almost countless other prayer ministry sessions and spiritual direction sessions through 22 years of meeting with people in a loving and safe environment to help them be set free of all that would hold them back from being all the Lord created them to be, receiving healing and freedom in Jesus' name, to be secure in their identity and fulfilling their destiny in Christ. Many sessions were translated in Spanish, and the languages of many nations such as Pakistan, India, Brazil, and Hungary.
Evangelistic Meetings, Conferences, and Crusades in the Nations
Travelled throughout many states in the US, from Alaska to Florida and almost countless places in between and to the nations, preaching and teaching in churches, retreats, camp meetings, open air gatherings, crusades, prayer revivals, and street ministry, including Pakistan, India, Uganda, Kenya, Israel, the Philippines, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, England, France, Wales, Estonia, Mexico, and Canada.
"Morning by Morning" Daily Prayer Devotional
Fresh, daily prayer devotional written and shared most every morning from my personal prayer time to start each day embraced by the Father, centered in Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Sent to 2,200 readers around the world for free through email to help people draw near to the Lord, hear His voice, and sense His leading in deeper intimacy. Many of these prayers, spanning over 15 years, are also now available in our 2 Devotional Books covering every day of the year.
Free to Be Like Jesus! - Transformational Power of Inner Healing & Deliverance Book
Biblical, spiritual principles, testimonies, and model prayers based on the revelation and insights of the Lord in the ministry of inner healing and deliverance prayer ministry. Used as standard resource for teaching and equipping in prayer ministry. Taught as the core curriculum in over 40 Schools of Ministry in many settings with hundreds of students including pastors, intercessors, and those called to healing prayer ministry. Currently being translated into Spanish. Endorsed by trusted spiritual leaders:
Endorsement from Max Lucado--"Tommy Hays has spent a lifetime studying the place of prayer in inner healing. I have personally benefitted from his teaching, writing, and encouragement. This book gathers a wealth of helpful insights and experiences into one volume. I am honored to have it on my shelf and honored to call Tommy my friend."
Endorsement from Andy Reese, Author of Freedom Tools--"Tommy Hays combines a lawyer's keen logic with a spiritual intuition to bring inner healing to a practical, effective, and applied level. His proven techniques have been used in hundreds of ministry settings and can serve as simple yet profound tools in the hands of even the novice minister."
Endorsement from Randy Clark, Global Awakening--"Free to Be Like Jesus! will take you on a journey to learn more about the inner healing ministry. This book has many foundational spiritual truths and will help you if you want more healing in your own life, or if you want more tools to assist you in your inner healing ministry.
Advancing the Unity of the Body of Christ
For many years, hosted and led the Greater Lexington Strategic Prayer Summit bringing together prayer warriors and worshippers, pastors and leaders, from across the many diverse streams of the River of God in the Lexington, Kentucky region to seek the Lord's heart for the coming year in unity and agreement in prayer and prophetic proclamation and intercession. Invited by Max Lucado to join him in preaching messages of healing and hope at the monthly First Wednesday Serves of Worship and Healing at Oak Hills Church for six years. Served alongside leaders of other ministries on the Board and Advisory Councils of the Aldersgate Renewal Ministries, National Christian Foundation of Kentucky, Aglow International, Spiritual Leadership, Inc., and Rapha God Ministries.
Some Current Projects:
Healing Academy--Teaching our Healing Academy for training and equipping for healing prayer ministry on Tuesday Nights over 7 weeks at The Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas. Discerning other invitations in other cities and nations for this teaching and ministry.
Evangelism--Monthly outdoor evangelistic crusades and outreach meetings through our Skype Internet Ministry into Pakistan in partnership with two ministries in Pakistan. I am preaching in a different village each month around Lahore, Pakistan in the Punjab Region. Our local team sets up a big screen in an outdoor meeting usually, while a pastor or evangelist simultaneously interprets my message of hope and healing live in Pakistan. Then we follow up with prayer and discipleship through our ministry partnership. Every month, between 250 and 350 souls are being saved, with many reports of healing miracles. Momentum is growing! Now other invitations with other ministries in the region are coming in with even more opportunities to be part of the awakening revival in Pakistan, such as the Pastors and Leaders Retreat we just led through Skype.
"Setting Hearts Free"--An Online Encounter being developed for a webinar teaching and ministry encounter, covering key principles with prayer ministry of healing from fear, trauma, rejection, shame, and emotional wounds and strongholds of the past.
Developing podcasts and video blogs--Bringing the transforming power of personal prayer ministry to exponentially more people through media. One series being developed focuses on contemplative prayer to experience a deeper, more intimate prayer life. Another series focuses on teaching key principles of inner healing with prayer ministry encounters. And another series focuses upon equipping and training for the ministry of inner healing and deliverance.
On-line personal prayer ministry sessions--Through this time of quarantine in the San Antonio area, but also reaching to many other states and nations. I recently had prayer ministry sessions in Scotland, Poland, and Sweden through Zoom. The Lord is opening doors to make our ministry much more accessible over barriers of distance, language, and cost, as He empowers us to help prepare the Bride and Body of Christ for these days of God's glory and revival in the earth.
City-Wide Prayer for Revival--Joining Max Lucado on the leadership team, along with other city leaders, in planning citywide prayer gatherings in San Antonio and the Hill Country region in multiple weekly prayer gatherings for revival in our land.
We praise God for all He has done and will do!
Come join us!
Tommy & Rocio Hays
Messiah Ministries
17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104407
San Antonio, Texas 78257
Tommy & Rocio Hays | Messiah Ministries